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Sur la terre un samedi soir

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Chapitre2: The English Tags


Site: Université virtuelle du Sénégal

Cours: Grammaire

Livre: Chapitre2: The English Tags

Imprimé par: Boubacar BALDE

Date: jeudi 16 mars 2017, 12:06

Table des matières

1 The English Tags

1.1 We can also use a tag to emphasize an answer

1.2 We can also use tags to mean that we are surprised to realize the truth of what we are told:

1.3 We can use tags to mean that our surprise turns into astonishment…

1.4 Translations of “Moi aussi”, “Moi non plus”

1.5 Translations of “Moi si”, “Moi non”

1.6 Translations of “Et vous ?”, “Pas vous ?”

1.7 The “Colloquial query” (also called “question tag”): “n’est-ce pas?”, “vous savez ? », « bien sûr. », « non ? », etc.

1.8 Elliptic constructions: when we do not want to repeat …

1 The English Tags

We can use tags to tone down answers (to avoid short, abrupt answers).

Ex. - Are you satisfied with his proposal?

- Yes, we are (instead of just “yes!”, which would sound too brusque).

- No, we are not (instead of just “no!”).

Is the river deep here?

I think it is ( je crois que si). Or: I think it is not (je crois que non).

Madam, must I read the whole text? (Madame, dois-je …)

I’m afraid you must. (Oui, hélas) (instead of: of course you must!)

Is not Ali a sharp man? (Ali n’est-il pas un homme malin ?)

Yes, he is (Si !) or: - No, he is not (Non!)

Don’t you prefer this song?

Yes, we do (Si!). Or: No, we don’t (Non !)

NB: Mind the change of modals in negative answers.

Ex. The students may keep the books until further notice (may = are allowed to)

Yes, they may.

No, they cannot. (In this example, “may not” would be ambiguous (cf. the modals.)

I think that we must queue up here (=line up here) to welcome our glorious team.

Yes, you must (Oui, il le faut = Oui, vous devez le faire, etc.)

No, you need not. Or: - No, you don’t have to (Vous n’êtes pas tenus de le faire).

1.1 We can also use a tag to emphasize an answer


Wilt thou have this woman to be thy lawful wedded wife? (Voulez-vous prendre pour épouse ….?).

I will. (Oui !)

I will not. (Non !)

Do you think that the President will run for another term? (Croyez-vous que … briguera un autre mandat ?)

I don’t (Certainement pas !). Or : - I do (Certainement !).

People said that I am not entitled to represent you. (On a dit que je ne suis pas …)

You are! (Mais si !)

1.2 We can also use tags to mean that we are surprised to realize the truth of what we are told:


She is elected chairperson of our club.

So she is (Tiens ! C’est vrai !). (The information is correct and I have just realized it.)

They have stopped their six-week strike. – So they have (Tiens! C’est vrai !)

Henceforth, you can sleep in my room every other day (= every two days = tous les deux jours.) – So I can.

1.3 We can use tags to mean that our surprise turns into astonishment…


You won’t believe me, but Mayoro has got a second wife.

Has he? (Or: Oh, has he?) (Vraiment?).

I never sit here at night.

Don’t you? (Vraiment?)

1.4 Translations of “Moi aussi”, “Moi non plus”

You must first make sure that you can use them properly in French: “Moi aussi” is a confirmative reply to an affirmative statement, “Moi non plus” to a negative one.



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