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Sephora Stategy

Fiche : Sephora Stategy. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Octobre 2017  •  Fiche  •  552 Mots (3 Pages)  •  635 Vues

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Sephora is a chain of stores of French sale of perfumes and cosmetics existing since 1973 whose head office is situated in Paris. The name of the company is inspired by the biblical first name Sephora, the wife of Moses and presented as an elegant, joyful and free woman.

Taken back in 1993 by Dominique Mandonnaud, the chain counts then 38 stores. His new owner changes the concept of shops Sephora to make it perfume shops in " free access ": a place convenient to the stroll where the customers can experience products as they hear him. The new concept knows a lightning success, to such a point that the franchise is bought back in 1997 by the first world group of the luxury: LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton), for 244 million euros.

Since then, the mark Sephora imported all over the world. Stores possess a worked and only visual identity: red carpet, black furniture and paint with black and white stripes are present on all the points of sale Sephora which makes them identifiable since the street.


Today, Sephora counts approximately 1750 international points of sale, among which 900 in Europe, 700 in America and approximately 150 in Asia with sales areas between 400 and 1800 m². In 2016, Sephora counted 1 449 383 859 € of turnovers and 4937 employees in France.

Sephora is indeed the leader on his direct market in competition with Nocibé-Douglas and Marionnaud and market more than 150 marks such as Too faced, Urban Decay, Dior, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Fenty Benty by Rihanna,…

To differ from the competition, Sephora adopts a strategy based on the relationship marketing, for the firm the customer relationship must be placed at the heart of the strategy to allow in a very competitive environment to be able to develop loyalty of the customers and to be able to continue to recruit.

To do it, Sephora proposes three cards of fidelity :

The card Sephora white, for the new customers, the beginners

The card Sephora Black, for the customers having already made more than 4 purchases at Sephora

The card Sephora Gold, for the most faithful customers.


These loyalty cards offer numerous advantages to the clientele, by rewarding them for their loyalty by means of privileged services or of presents. The brand sending also to maintain a relation with his customers a newsletter personalized for the customers always with the aim of maintaining a relation favored with the consumer.

The Web strategy of Sephora is above all based on the customer service, the Internet users have free expenses of delivery has to leave 60 euros of purchase, we also find the entire offer proposed in store on the Internet. The customer relationship is not forgotten with the telephone and the possibility of contacting one advised from 9 am till 8 pm from Monday to Saturday. Sephora is also very present on the social networks Instagram, the Facebook, The real strategy for them.

Sephora plans to implant a store in Iran, this project had to come true in 2016 but


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