Reflective letter
Lettre type : Reflective letter. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Fifgamolle • 30 Novembre 2015 • Lettre type • 325 Mots (2 Pages) • 725 Vues
EPP 150
Reflective letter
Dear Reader,
This semester I had EPP 150 with (…). I had this teacher for EPP 110 as well. I would like to explain to you why I took this teacher a second time for the next level of EPP writing. Some teachers are just trying to be on schedule and to make us do whatever it takes to finish the program even if we don’t learn anything more. (…) is helpful instructor, she tries to understand every reason why a student doesn’t understand something. She tries to help individually every student who is late with work if they have good reasons. You have to work or at least show that you want to work and that you want to learn. This class is going to be interesting and helpful, and you are going to pass it. Sometimes this class is boring, and you feel like it is useless. However, the thing is that the teacher has a program to respect so she can’t do whatever she wants in her class. The difference between the teachers I used to know in France for example, is that she tries to change the class as much as possible to make it better for us. The only thing I don’t really like in this class is the Blackboard. It is very easy to get lost with the weeks and with the journals especially when you miss one. It is hard to understand how to catch up, because you don’t remember what you did already and what you have left to do. However, I really like this class because it is easy to understand if you want to learn. You know that whatever happens in this class, whatever the question you have, (…) is going to be here to answer it. You won’t be alone for your homework or essays, because she is going to help everyone in the class even if everyone has a different problem.