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Writing- Formal Letter

Lettre type : Writing- Formal Letter. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mai 2016  •  Lettre type  •  359 Mots (2 Pages)  •  837 Vues

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English – Writing

SB pg 21

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing about the job I was offered as assistant systems engineer at your company. My name is Emily Thorne and I am 16 years old. I live in Auckland and am a student at the International School. The purpose of this letter is to inform that I will unfortunately not be able to be here the initial starting day we had planned.

Since then, an unfortunate incident happened to my father which put him out of action. Although he is an independent person, I cannot be fully absent at such difficult time. I must point out the fact that he is extremely worried because he does not want to hold me back.

It would only be natural if you might think that this could happen on a more regular basis . Please let me assure you that the ongoing episode stays uncommon. We appear to be a remarkably tight knit family and my father needs to be currently well-supported. I would like you to consider that I am determined to exercise the function I was delightedly offered. Moreover, I think I fill in the requested qualities.

You were very clear with the basis that I would have to begin on the 1st of March. I am aware that the current engineer is leaving soon after this same date. It with regret and contrition that I must ask you if there is any possibility to start two weeks later, given the uncommon and miserable circumstances.

I hope you will understand my predicament and will accept my suggested solution.

Yours faithfully,

Emily Thorne

Emily Thorne    


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