Idea of Progress: Where go the technology, and one day, will it submerge us ?
TD : Idea of Progress: Where go the technology, and one day, will it submerge us ?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar czaubzi • 29 Mai 2016 • TD • 539 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 086 Vues
Idea of progress
The notion I’m going to deal with is « The idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state the definition of the notion : so the Idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, sciences, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. I’m going to speak about the technological progress’ and the question that can be raised is the following : Where go the technology, and one day, will it submerge us ? To try to awnser this question, we are going to be interested in the the case of a listening comprehension about the future of humanity, then we shall be interested in a film realized by Will Smith called « I-Robot ». Finally we are going to be interested in a novel written by Walter Tevis called « Mockingbird »
Today, the robots are more present as in the 20th, because that is the choice of the humanity. We need these robots, for many reasons : production in industry, aeronautical services, domotics, robots are present in your car too as the listening comprehension tell us. So they are essential in our society. But these robots are increasingly smart because the advance of the articficial intelligence are amazing. I want you to picture yourself that is a human brain in a machine, with the artificial neural network. In the film I-Robots with Will Smith the robots are incorporated in our society and they awnser at 3 laws etablished by Isaac Asimov :
-First, the rebot can’t fight with a human
-Second, the robot obey the humans
-Third, the robot must protect his existence.
These robots are after all, programms without conscience. In the reality, of many scientists, of which Daniel Dennett, philosopher and director of the Institute of neurosciences of the university of Tuft, in the United States, consider that the conscience springs from perfectly describable processes by our scientific knowledge. In other words, it would be possible in theory to design an assembly of "processors" susceptible to behave as a human brain. In this eventuality, machines and robots would not answer any more only the lines of codes and, but could become unpredictable and acquire a free will. In the Mockingbird, the robots are smart with a conscience. That’s the story of Spofforth, the most advanced robot ever who wants to kill hisself because he is able to think, to understand our comportement and he sees that the humanity is in decline. This novel written in 1980 by Walter Tevis is a science fiction novel and maybe he is right. Perhaps the humanity will fall in decline when the humans build many robots.
I think the robots will be not dangerous fos us because the humans will build many laws as in « I-Robots ». Today a lot of philosophers warn us against the future. I will become a research worker in the Artificial Intelligence. I think the films, the novels and series we have saw are right because today we have new technologies as the nanotechnology which allows connectivity between the humans and the machine. So the andvance of technology is highest, and one day it will submerge us.