Bài powerpoint
Résumé : Bài powerpoint. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar nhungne • 26 Mars 2020 • Résumé • 1 577 Mots (7 Pages) • 563 Vues
The orders
- Receive an order information from the customer
- Search and arange orders by specific variables (for easy searching)
- Manage and update order statuses
- View order and customer information
- View order information and purchase details (product, tax, shipping, address, etc.)
- Add a note to the order
- View shipping address and payment method
- Create and manage order statuses
- Export the order
II.Managing warehoused goods
II.1.1 Making a goods receipt note
II.1.1.1 Date import
II.1.1.2 Lot number
II.1.1.3 Barcode
II.1.1.4 Origin of goods
II.1.1.5 Amount
II.1.1. The number of imported goods
II.1.1.7 Packaging
II.1.1.8 Classification of warehoused goods
II. Classification goods by value
II. Classification goods according to the import position (warehouse location).
II.1.1.9 Determine the location of the warehouse (which branch?)
II.1.1.10 Preparer of good reciept note.
II.1.2 Create a blank position to import goods into the warehouse
II.1.2.1 Create more floors
II.1.2.2 Create more ranges
II.1.2.3 Create more cargo trays
II.1.3 Proceed to arrange the goods in the created position
II.1.3.1 Sort by row
II.1.3.2 Sort by sequence
II.1.3.3 Sort by tray
II.1.3.4 Sort by product type
II.1.4 Update to the system
II.1.4.2 Update details
II. Updated by date
II. Update quantities
II. Update the new model
II.1.5 Bookkeeping
II.2 Management of goods issue
II.2.1 Making goods issue note
II.2.1.1 Date and time of issue
II.2.1.2 Warehouse
II.2.1.3 The number of goods issue
II.2.1.4 Partner receiving the goods
II.2.1.5 Lot number will be issue
II.2.1.6 Consignment weight
II.2.1.7 Check packaging
II 2.1.8 Value of consignment
II 2.1.9 Location of consignment
II.2.1.10 Information of the preparer
II.2.2 Proceed to pick up goods
II.2.2.1. Get in rows
II.2.2.2 Take goods in floors
II.2.2.3 Take goods in a tray
II.2.3 Packing of goods
II.2.4 Transport of goods
II.2.4.1 Shipping by post
II.2.4.2 Shipping through delivery partners
II.2.5 Record / Update data to the system
II.2.5.1 Quantity of stock
II.2.5.2 Update time
II.2.5.3 Who is updated?
II.2.6 Bookkeeping.
II.3 Inventory management
II.3.1 Goods information management
II.3.1.1 View goods information
II. View weight
II. View dimensions
II. Check packaging
II. Barcode
II. Check the date of storage
II. Lot number
II. Receipt of goods
II.3.1.2 Sub-fuction Manipulate products in stock
II. Classification of products
II. Classification by warehouse date
II. Classification by warehouse code
II. Classification by goods type (consumer goods, industrial goods)
II. Classification by goods value
II. Update time / expiry date of stock
II. Search locations of orders in stock
II. Search by floor
II. Search by sequence
II. Search by tray
II. Search by lot number
II. Search by warehouse date
II. Search by barcode on the product packaging
II. When the order arrives
II. Check the goods
II. Check the quantity
II. Check quality
II. Accept the order
II. Determine position of the order
II. Remove goods from the warehouse
II. Update the remaining goods to the system
II. No accept orders
II. Send feedback to the requesting branch
II. Update stock quantity to the system
1. Customer information management
1.1. General customer information (Customer name, Customer code, address, email, phone number, date of birth, photo)
1.2 Private customer information (Only authorized employees who can see this customer information)