BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 4 366 - 4 380
The writer in his time
During the sequence wich entitled « this writer in his time » we studied plays, more particularly The Crucible and Clockwork Orange. We go to see how every authors denounce his time and in which it is effective. The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953 ; in answer
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The Writer in His Time
I'm going to speak about the notion « The Writer in his time ».We can link this notion with the fact that some writers use their work to criticize their own society to denounce and express their way of thinking. Nowadays, the Anglo-Saxon society enjoys freedom of expression but in
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The writer in his time
My presentation will deal with the theme The writer in his time. The work of some authors sometimes reveals their view in a particular time in history or society. To illustrate this subject i am going to examine three documents, first an extract from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott
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INVERNIZZI Ophélie Tbc1 Ruby Bridges It happens when segregation, was a woman who was born September 8, 1954 in Tylertown Mississippi. American woman famous for segregation since it is the first black child to build a school for white children. First, I talked about or all began, and secondly how
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Thème 3 Anglais Bac Pro Vente
Justin Drew bieber Justin Drew Bieber was born on march 1rst 1994 in London, Ontario, Canada. His mom is Pattie Mallette and his father is Jeremy jack Bieber, they split when he was 10 months. He grew up in Stratford with her mom and his grand parent, Bruce and Diane
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Theme anglais
My internship Hello my name is Lola teyssier, I’m 17 years old, I living in Bordeaux an I studied in Les menuts vocational high school and Today i’m going to talk to you about my internship First, let’s talk about my first session of my internship wich was from November,
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Theme Anglais Bac Pro
About 40% of expatriates fall into failure upon working in a new country. However, this is not due to incompetence in the workplace skills or tasks, but rather due to inability to adapt to the foreign culture. That being said, the need for expatriate preparation is extremely high.[23] The following
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Thème Anglais Bac Pro
My name’s. i’m 35 and i live in trèbes. trèbes is a city 6 km for from carcassonne. I haven’t got any childrens, and i live with my mother and my father. I’m single. I’m a student of contunuing vocational training of greta from carcassonne and i m preparing my
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Thème anglais bac pro
How Ariana grande leave the stage of Disney Channel at the icon of music ? Ariana grande is american actress and singer. She was born in Boca Raton, Florida, in 1993 ( one thousand nine hundred ninety-three). Her involvement in a Broadway play at age 15 (fifteen), followed by sole
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Thème anglais Bac Pro Donald TRUMP
DONALD TRUMP Today, I'm going to talk about Donald Trump. I chose this topic because I have been very interested in him lately. My dialogue will be like this: 1) At first : Biography (identity, nationality, date and place of birth, place of residence, family, study, career) 2) Second :
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Theme Anglais Bac Pro Oral
Game of Thrones is an American epic fantasy television drama series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones.
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Theme anglais BacPro
Good morning My name is XXX ,I am seventeen topic of my presentation will be Michael JORDAN My theme falls into 3 parts. Firstly I will présent Michael Jordan 1er Partie ; Presentation Michael Jeffrey Jordan is a professional NBA basketball player born in Brooklyn on February 17, 1963 (one
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WHAT IS YOUR TOPIC ABOUT ? The story begins in 2010 in Chicago, a metropolis where violence and gang wars reign. The south side is in a critical state with many murders and crimes of all kinds. It is here that drill was born, a new type of rap that
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Thème anglais rapport de stage
Rapport de stage/ Training session Hello, I'm Melody Mateus ,I told you about my training session. My work experience took place in June last year two thousand and fourteen ,I worked in a primary school, it is located at the Plaine des Cafres . My mother helped me find my
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Théme Anglais, Miley Cyrus.
Miley Ray Destiny Hope Cyrus Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer.Her full name is Miley Ray Destiny Hope Cyrus. She was born on November twenty third 1992 ( nineteen ninety two) in Tennessee. Miley has got two sisters Brandi and Noah and five brothers. She is the daughter
487 Mots / 2 Pages