BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 3 406 - 3 420
Presentation of Mattel, Barbie
Mattel The subject of our presentation is Mattel. We divided our talk in several parts : * The presentation of Mattel * The organization of this company * Marketing strategies * The problem of the exploitation of Chinese workers * One focus on Barbie 1. Presentation of Mattel Mattel is
792 Mots / 4 Pages -
Presentation of the 2017 handball world championship
Diapo 1: We are going to present the 2017(Two thousand and seventeen) handball world championship. Diapo 2: First, a little presentation of HandBall and its main rules: * The game: It’s a team sport, each team is made of 7 players. Handball is played almost exclusively with hands. The play
523 Mots / 3 Pages -
Presentation of the film Appaloosa
Presentation of the film Appaloosa Today we will present Appaloosa. But before we will explain the Civil War because the story begins after this one. After, we'll explain how came the idea of creating the film, the poster and the trailer we learn without watching the film. Then we'll talk
754 Mots / 4 Pages -
Presentation on Malcolm X
I’m going to introduce you Malcolm X. I-Malcolm’s childhood Malcolm X born as Malcolm Little came to the world in 1925, in Omaha (Nebraska). He grew up in a family of 7 children and bathed in activism since birth because of his parents. His father Earl Little carpenter and baptist
800 Mots / 4 Pages -
Présentation Oral
Conseils/consignes pour dossier Garder en tête la problématique. Aucun document français !! Entre 3 et 5 documents avec 1 article de presse + 1 image/photo/dessin + 1 tweet ou 1 citation ou 1 extrait de discours, de chanson, de poème… et une de vos 3 vidéos. Ne
281 Mots / 2 Pages -
Présentation Porsche Anglais
Hello, the company I'm going to introduce to you today is Porsche. I chose the Porsche company because I am passionate about the automotive industry and I have loved this manufacturer since I was a child. The company was founded in 1931 in Stuttgart by the brothers Porsche, Ferdinand and
337 Mots / 2 Pages -
Presentation – Poster Alcohol
Presentation – Poster Alcohol Introduction Each year, an average of 9 out of 17 women are raped by men because of alcohol. It is with this subject in mind that I am going to present my poster today. I will begin this presentation with a brief description of the image
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Présenter son sport
Today I’m going to present my favorite sport, witch is the Handball. To introduce I will tell you the rules and a short presentation of the players roles. The handball is a 7players versus 7 game, a ball is used and we use it with the hands. Thee game is
484 Mots / 2 Pages -
Présenter une personne Anglophone connue
Présenter une personne Anglophone connue Today, I’m speaking about a well-known/popular/famous person. First(ly), I’m introducing this character. Second(ly), I’m talking about his /her childhood , young life and his/her first job. Third(ly), I’m giving you some facts about his/her career. Fourth(ly), I’m telling you a project/a company/a business in which
723 Mots / 3 Pages -
Présenter une ville
presentation Tokyo = -contry -Area / Superficie -Population -National language -Currency / devise -Typcal food -Common drink -National sports -Tourist attractions -Advantage -Disadvantages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HElP = COUNTRY : ....(name of the city)... is a .....(nationality)... city which is located (_________) of (name of the country) AREA : Its area
415 Mots / 2 Pages -
Presidential election
I-the different step the primary : a selection process the campaign the general election : people vote and the electoral vote II- the 2016 elections the democratic nominee and the republican nominee the role of the media the reaction by the citizens An primary election is an election which allows
366 Mots / 2 Pages -
Press realease progenerra
PRESS RELEASE Progenerra’s new generation coal-burning power station situation For immediate release Published 7 february 2015 From : UK Government The application, submitted by Progenerra for a proposed new generation coal-burning power station to be located at the existing site of Marsdale which is in the Yorkshire and The Humber
439 Mots / 2 Pages -
Press Review
Texte Press Review : The first document that we chose is a photograph where we can see a stadium in Qatar it is an extract from an article. This article come from the website of a center media BBC sport and it is entitle World Cup 2022 Alcohol sales banned
396 Mots / 2 Pages -
Prétérit - Comment l'utiliser
MOYEN MNÉMO-TECHNIQUE POUR UTILISER LE PRÉTÉRIT EN ANGLAIS POMME DE TERRE PASSÉ DATÉ TERMINÉ Pour retenir la manière dont on emploie le prétérit (passé simple) en anglais, on peut utiliser l'expression « Pomme De Terre » dont les premières lettres coïncident avec « Passé Daté et Terminé ». C'est en
317 Mots / 2 Pages -
Preterit – present perfect
C4 Preterit – present perfect Preterit • • passé présent Conjugaison : BV + ED Utilisation : On l’utilise quand on rappelle un souvenir actuellement terminé. Present perfect • • passé présent Conjugaison : HAVE + BV + ED Utilisation : On l’utilise pour raconter un événement qui a commencé
578 Mots / 3 Pages