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Writing task of IELTS

Dissertation : Writing task of IELTS. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Octobre 2017  •  Dissertation  •  496 Mots (2 Pages)  •  830 Vues

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Writing task 1

The grahic shows the evolution of the rentals and the sales of films in various formats such as DVD or Blue Ray from 2002 to 2011, indicating changes in consumer’s habits.  

First of all, the most significant point is the fact that the DVD sales or the rentals are always at the top position. But, the annual number of rentals decrease significantly over the period. VHS sales have the same trend until reach a record low in 2006.

An interesting point is the appearance of the Blue Ray in 2007 just after the fall of VHS. In fact, when Blue Ray was started to sell in 2007, sales of VHS were plummeted. The sales of Blue Ray increased gradually from 1,000 in 2007 to 12,000 in 2011.

Moreover, the number of rentals decrease over the years. In fact, they dropped from 185,000 in 2002 to 58,000 in 2011.

Finally, the graphic clearly shows that the number of sales DVD remain stable over the years.

                                                                170 words

Writing task 2

Nowadays, the life of consumers and the society are more and more developed. In this way, people start to buy more goods than the past. But they buy unnecessary things that they can’t afford and finally they get into debt. The question is: what are the factors for this behaviour and are there solutions to control their behaviour?

The major reason of this behaviour is the fact that people today forget the value of their life. In fact, the society push people spending money in secondary needs and that is emphasize with the advertisements and the new technologies. People are attracted by jewellery or gadgets to try to follow the trend of the society. For example, it is happening to have an IPhone. Today, almost everyone is willing to buy it even though the price is excessive.

However, I think that there are some ways to tackle this problem. Firstly, shop should have a system of control to check the purchases and the incomes of the consumers. The purpose of a such control would be to prevent the unnecessary costs for people who can’t afford.

Moreover, the government can cut the use of credit card. In fact, today we can use the credit card in every shop which explains that some people get into debt. So, I believe that it is a major problem and her limitation could be a great solution.

In conclusion, the social media and the abusive use of the credit card are the mains things which explain that a lot people are having debt problem.  

265 words


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