Why Queen Elisabeth II considered as a hero by British people (Myths and heroes)
Fiche : Why Queen Elisabeth II considered as a hero by British people (Myths and heroes). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Yonkeys • 26 Avril 2019 • Fiche • 417 Mots (2 Pages) • 2 549 Vues
A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, their achievements and their qualities. It can be a person with superhuman qualities. It can be a person who has performed a heroic act, or a model we want to imitate. It can be:
- A patriotic or national hero
- An unreal character (book, film)
- An icon
- A role model, somebody who is your neighbour or a member of your family, a friend
- A hero can be unknown
A myth is rather a story that may or may not be true. There may be proof that a part or the whole story was true. It’s not always the case. Some parts of the story may have been made more interesting, more beautiful. Sometimes the bad parts of a story have been voluntarily forgotten, to keep the beautiful parts of it. In all cultures, there are myths.
Why is the Queen Elizabeth II considered as a hero by British people?
- English people love her
She has reigned for more than 60 years and during all this time, there has never been a demonstration against her. Everyone knows the Queen will stay in their life forever. She’s like their gran-mother and they know they can trust her.
- She is an icon
British people adore her, in particular, they are thankful to her because she never left the country, even in difficult times. What’s more, she even drove an ambulance during WWII. She was the tool of reconciliation between the two countries.
She is the symbol of Britain and of monarchy in general. She holds the longest reign of the history of monarchy. In addition, she writes the country, she is the link between all people. Her very famous and funny outfits are iconic and she always appears with flashy colours. Everyone loves that. Whenever we talk about England, we always think of the myth of Elizabeth II.
- Her family
Finally, like we see in the document “Prince Harry in Lesotho”, even her family works on projects to make the world a better and safer place. For example, her grandchild Prince Harry, came to Lesotho. He invested to himself in an organization with their purpose of helping the population infected with AIDS. It’s not the first time he came, he already did that into thousand and four and he was already moved by what he saw. He has been involved personally, like if he was born there. He wants to help this country, has Queen Elizabeth II would have done.