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What's a good lie?

Dissertation : What's a good lie?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Décembre 2018  •  Dissertation  •  476 Mots (2 Pages)  •  602 Vues

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What’s a good life?

What’s a good life, what does it mean? Because each person have a different

aspect of a good life and it’s what I’m going to solve through these essay. In first

I will explain to you what’s a good life according to the social rank, then

according the age and for third part, if we can have a good life without money,

then I will conclude these essay and try to answer the problematic by the best

way I can from an object point of view.

In our actual society but since its beginning, there is a pyramid with at the top

the rich persons, in the middle the “middle classes” and at the bottom, the poor

persons. So have a good life has a different meaning for each category and it

depend on your place in the pyramid, take for example children from the

pyramid’s top and children from pyramid bottom, they don’t have the same life,

the dream, the same desire. When one lives in a small apartment can’t eat for

the most, so for him have a good life it’s to have enough food for him and his

family, have a bigger house etc. Now if we take the children from the pyramid’s

top he already have enough food, he already have a big house so for him have a

good life it will be to travel in lots of countries or to have a lot, friends. So it

depends where you from in the pyramid.

Next, doesn’t matter where we’re in the pyramid it depends also on our age the

young boy doesn’t have the same signification of a good life than an adult.

When we’re young have a good life this summary to eat candy, have the last

toys, to watch the TV …etc. However when you’re older you’ve to pay taxes,

you’re limited by the law we don’t have the same point of view. Right we can be

older we want the same than we were young for example the last toys (last TV,

last car, last smartphone…) but our life is different so our point of view too.

Then, in my country, we have a famous sentence: “The money doesn’t make a

good life.” For many people, the money is a synonym to have a good life. With

the money, you can buy lots of things like luxuries houses, if you are seeking you

can go to the hospital… but you can’t buy a wife or friends, right the money

attract people around you but they aren’t sincere with you but when you are

poor, you know that the people around you are here for you and not for your


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