The gender pay gap
Commentaire de texte : The gender pay gap. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Ann Pascale D'almeida • 30 Novembre 2020 • Commentaire de texte • 671 Mots (3 Pages) • 643 Vues
This document is an article. This article comes from the times and it was published in 2001.
It deals with the measures taken by the government aimed to close the gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is real , and it gets worse as women move up in their careers. Females earn 81 per cent of male earnings it used to get down every year more and more. Employees are performing similar work but do not receive the same pay for their work . It was quite also a pay discrimination. Employers could be taken to a tribunal if it turns out that men were paid more than women with no justification in their companies. However Patricia Hewitt explain the problem of women who are forced to choose between to be a mother or to have a career. The causes of the pay gap are not simple that’s why women fall into certain often low-paid occupations. The gender pay gap isn’t only a issue for the women but for the economy too. To conclude at the end of the article Denise Kingsmill claims that the overwhelming business case for the effective use of the talents and abilities of women offers the greatest potential for reducing the pay gap.
Les femmes trouveront plus facile de découvrir si elles sont moins bien payées que leurs collègues de travail masculin grace aux mesures gouvernementales annoncées hier visant à fermer l’écart entre les sexes. Les femmes gagnent désormais 81% de ce que gagnent les hommes en baisse de 1% par rapport à l’année dernière et sont souvent pénalisés pour avoir pris une pause au cours de leur carrière. Cependant à l’avenir les entreprises seront sous une pression beaucoup plus grande pour déclarer et justifier les différences salariales entre les sexes ou bien risque un tribunal du travail. Le personnel qui soupçonne d’être sous-payé aura le droit de demander aux entreprises de remplir des questionnaires déclarant les salaires des emplois de valeur égale et si les hommes sont payés plus. Si les employeurs refusent de se conformer ou s’ils admettent que les hommes sont plus payés sans justification ils pourraient alors être emmenés devant un tribunal.
1) Company managers justify lower salaries for women with the fact that women are inferior to men. Because they’re inferior they do not need as much as men need. For those people women do not deserve to be equal with men. The workplace used to be the place of the males , females were only good at cooking take care of the children’s and that all. But what they don’t understand is that nowadays the society has evolved and many women are more qualified than me.
2) The government need to catch up with the huge gap formed since centuries. The government need to pass laws to show that women are now equal as men . Raise awareness from a young age. They should also carry out checks in companies on a monthly basis to see if employeurs do not do pay discrimination .
3) In my opinion women are compelled to choose between being a mother and being a successful employee. There have been some changes for women in terms of employment in the past decades, there are now some high-profile women chief executives . However their experience is contradictory. Motherhood confers upon