The Tell-tale heart
Fiche de lecture : The Tell-tale heart. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar julieee13 • 12 Décembre 2016 • Fiche de lecture • 263 Mots (2 Pages) • 2 047 Vues
Bonjours, je dois faire mes fiches bac de lele mais j'ai un petit problème avec un de mes documents..
Ma notion est : l'imaginaire ( avec l'utopie et la dystrophie).
Mes documents choisi sont 'Obama's speech" et "1984". Je n'ai eu aucun problème avec Obama speech, cependant je ne comprend pas 1984, si quelqu'un pourrait juste m'expliquer comment travailler sur ce document sa serait cool, sachant que ma problématique est la suivante :
How are indivuduals controlled in dystopian fiction ?
Et mon introduction est la suivante :
My presentation is based on the notion of the imaginary, and more exactly, on the question about the utopia and dystopia. The term “utopia” was first used by T. More en 1515 in Utopia. This term comes form the Greek “eu-topos” which means “good place”. Indeed, it’s a place which doesn’t exist, an imaginary and inaccessible country, where ideals suchs as reason, common sense and love of the other have led to harmony, peace and prosperity. It is an ideal place in an ideal future, where everyone’s needs are taken in consideration.
On the other hand, the term “dystopia” was used in the late 19th century. It comes from the Greek “dys-topos” which means “ bad or negative place”. Indeed, a dystopia is a fictional society, usually in the future, where the conditions of life are extremely bad, due to oppression and terror maintained by a corrupted government or leader. It’is important to mention that many dystopian novels were written in the early 20th century because of wars and of the WW1 and WW2 atrocities.
merci d'avance :)