Thé Me Anglais Bac Pro
Mémoire : Thé Me Anglais Bac Pro. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 18 Mai 2014 • 562 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 864 Vues
Théme 1 l’écosse
The Rangers Football Club, called "Glasgow Rangers" is a Scottish football club. The club was founded in March 1872(thousand eight hundred and seventy two) when four young Scottish carpenter's son
decided to create their own club football. The official creation of the club took place the following year in 1873. It will soon become one of the important features of a Scottish football still young forces. . this team nickname Les Gers, Les Light Blues, Les Teddy Bears. Their color is royal blue white and red. The club has a stade called ibrox stadium welcoming sixty thousand person. It is liquidated at the end of the 2011-2012(two thousand and eleven) season. In February 2012, the club was placed in receivership and penalized 10 penalty points in the league due to financial problems.
On 4 July 2012, the club has accumulated more than hundred sixty million euros of debt according to its directors, is officially excluded from the Premier League. July 13, twenty-five of the thirty clubs Scottish Football League relegation vote for the fourth division club. he will champion the d4 and ensures a remounted d3. Their palmares 54 scotland championship win and a final uefa lost in 2008 to face Zenit St Petersburg.
Théme 2 Film
Kingdom of Heaven is an American film directed by Ridley Scott, released in(two thousand and five). It’s a historial film. It takes place at the end of the twelfth century, shortly before the Third Crusade, and narrates the rise of Balian of a nobleman who leaves for the Holy Land and eventually defends Jerusalem against Saladin. He vows to protect the leper King Baldwin IV and the people and becomes very close to Sybil, the king's sister and wife of Guy, with whom he has a romance.. After several skirmich and the defeat of the troops of Guy de Lusignan and Reynald of Chatillon against the army of Saladin, Balian defends Jerusalem. Despite a heroic defense, he must capitulate to the power of Saladin's army, but his bravery saves lives and provides an orderly retreat for the entire Christian population of the city. Balian retired to his native country with Sibylle, simple woman returned to the people, and refuses the offer of Richard the Lion Heart of a crusade. The filming took place in Spain and Morocco. The main actors is Orlando Bloom embodies balian,
Eva Green
Jeremy Irons
Liam Neeson
Upon his release, he was a commercial failure in the United States but has been well received in the world, particularly in Europe. In France, critics have been more positive, the film getting an average of 3.2 out of 5 stars for press criticism.
Théme 3: I would like to go on a trip to new york because it is the city of our favorite series, a mood, an atmosphere, a legend. It is also a city that offers a multitude of sights such as the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. I also dream of visiting the famous museums like the MOMA NYC, the MET and the Guggenheim Museum. it is also parks like Central Park where you can see joggers and squirrels and I would picnic in Central. I would go see a game ball low and eat in a mac donald American to see the difference here. I would take the metro new york and many expected to see