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Thème Terminal Bac Pro "Le thé anglais"

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Par   •  30 Septembre 2015  •  Fiche  •  460 Mots (2 Pages)  •  14 184 Vues

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The English tea[pic 1]

I'm going to talk about of the English tea. First I’m going to talk about                                                                      the tradition of "five o'clock tea" and finally of the anecdotes.                                                                            

The tradition of Five O’clock tea

The five O’clock tea is a tradition in England.

The English have two meals in a day, (The breakfast or the brunch and the dinner) the breakfast is consistent and rich.

Many English and the Duchess of Bedford were hungry in the afternoon.

The duchess of Bedford received a day, a beautiful tea service.  So she invited all her friends for take the tea at 5pm. She invented the tradition of five O’clock tea. With tea, there are cookies, sandwiches and of candy.

This English love this moment of the day. The English love milk. The tea can be drunk in the morning to accompany a good breakfast, (eggs, ham, cereal, orange juice, smoked fish, toast with jam and cup of tea).

The anecdotes

- When Elisabeth (The Queen of England) is mounted on the throne, she immediately asked the newspaper "the time" and a cup of tea.

- Mary Noble drank tea for 65 years; she is now 107 years old.   


The Tea would be a drink that prolongs life! 

My choice of this theme:

I chose to talk about this subject because I have been several times in England and I have been in English families, so I was introduced to this ritual. I found it interesting to talk about that.


 Dorine HERPIN

Epreuve de Baccalauréat Commerce. Anglais


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