Star wars School
Étude de cas : Star wars School. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Dylan Bzk • 1 Juin 2017 • Étude de cas • 330 Mots (2 Pages) • 765 Vues
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That star wars brings has the English-speaking culture ?
Star Wars is a fantastic universe and of science fiction created by George Lucas. At first designed as a film trilogy taken out between 1977 and 1983, the saga widens then of three new movies between 1999 and 2005, telling events previous to the first trilogy. Star Wars's story takes place in a galaxy which is made the theater of confrontations between the Knights Jedi and the black Lords of the Sith, the people using sabres laser and being sensitive(perceptible) to the strength, a mysterious energy field getting them psychic powers. Jedi masters the bright side of the strength, the beneficial and defensive power, to maintain the peace in the galaxy. Sith uses the dark side, the harmful and destructive power, for their personal uses and to dominate galaxie. [pic 2]
Today the movie had as impacts to open ecole of sabre laser in the world, More than a latest fad, the manipulation of the sabre laser is a full martial art. He proposes a learning which integrates a spiritual and moral dimension aiming at the self-control and into the global development of the individual, at the same time external (strength, flexibility), intern (energy, health), intellectual and moral. Benefiting of the experience of followers and experts in Kendo, and strive.
This new activity is a real martial art, and also a combat sport, putting into practice the use of the sabre laser in a sports and playful way, this, by applying techniques, methods and forms of the sabre such as they are developed since the end of 1990s.
Several competitions are even implemented for this sport, the learning of this sport this fact in a kind of dojo call up lightsaberacademy, the first school went to Cheltenham, in England.
We can thus end from it that the movie has a lot inspire the world and the English-speaking culture which will even go as far as creating a competition with countries practising this discipline.