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Speech anglais

Discours : Speech anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Décembre 2022  •  Discours  •  335 Mots (2 Pages)  •  287 Vues

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Strikes are not the past. Others will say that it's no longer an effective weapon to fight in politic, however, as I speak to you, strikes, demonstrations and protests manage to change and improve societies throughout the whole world.

Strikes despite technological developments with in particular advantages of social networks, remain an effective instruments of pressure. For example, in Iran, women's cause after the death of Masha Amini, arrested by the morality police, has become a priority cause in the country and has let to a protest movement that continues and destabilizes the regime. This protest brings out other ethnic, economic, political and even environmental claims. Teachers and workers take part by multiplying strikes and demonstrations, while knowing that they are essential factors to make least the movement. The destabilized regime use violent repression but we can feel already the impact of this mobilization: women have managed changings through strong symbols circulating on social networks and claimed in street.

Today strikes are a lever to obtain compromises, we have also seen this in France lately with inter-professional strikes bringing together more than 300,000 participants. Indeed France has reputation of a country with most historical mobilizations such as in 1936, 1968 or even 1995 who allowed social gains still applied today. Today's generalized strike movement in France is organised to claim a rise in wages and to defend constitutional rights, the right to strike. Trade unions have an important role and allow mobilization of different professional sectors. We also saw with refineries's strikes making possible to remind the State, when workers are mobilized, impacts and consequences for the life of millions of people can't be avoided because these are essential professions.

Continus mobilizations, bringing together the public and private sectors, debating together activists should allow each citizen to be able to claim their rights. Strikes, occupations and mass mobilizations remain essential and effective means of confronting the injustices of the Gouverment and defend freedom of associations and expressions for a equal world.


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