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Devoir maison anglais "faites un speech"

Discours : Devoir maison anglais "faites un speech". Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mai 2024  •  Discours  •  323 Mots (2 Pages)  •  108 Vues

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The document in question is a flyer that discusses the state of Native Hawaiians. The exact source of this flyer is not explicitly mentioned, but it is likely produced by an organization or advocacy group working on behalf of Native Hawaiians, and further information may be available on the website listed in the flyer :

The flyer highlights various statistics related to income, criminal justice, chronic health issues, and health security, providing a snapshot of their current situation in Hawaii. The main idea is to draw attention to these disparities and encourage action for the betterment of Native Hawaiians. 

Native Hawaiians have a higher poverty rate, with 16% living below the poverty line, which is more than the 10% seen in the rest of the population in Hawaii.

When it comes to the criminal justice system, Native Hawaiians are significantly overrepresented, making up 27% of arrests, 36% of prison admissions, and 39% of the incarcerated population in 2009, far more than the rest of Hawaii's population.

Native Hawaiians exhibit a higher prevalence of chronic health issues, with 73% being overweight or obese in 2005, which is significantly more than the statewide rate of 54%.

In terms of health security, Native Hawaiians are less likely to have health insurance, with 9% reporting no coverage in 2006, as opposed to the statewide average of 7%.

The aim of this flyer is to raise awareness about the challenges and disparities faced by Native Hawaiians in Hawaii. It encourages readers to take action, as indicated by the quote within the text: "It's a time now for us to sit down, and say how should we organize one another to take care of each other, how should we grow food to feed our people, how should we raise our children knowing their language and culture." Additionally, the flyer invites people to register and have their voices heard, suggesting that it aims to mobilize support and advocacy for the betterment of Native Hawaiians.


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