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Anglais speech

Guide pratique : Anglais speech. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Février 2019  •  Guide pratique  •  370 Mots (2 Pages)  •  577 Vues

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Welcome to all of you, I’m very happy to be here.

Today I’m going to talk about one topic among others that very important for our planet.

As we know it, the Earth is not feeling good but she can get better thanks to us. If we find a solutions to protect our environment and make less pollution the Earth will be better again.

There are many reasons why the earth goes badly but in my point of view I defend in particular the cause of the plastic.

I think people don’t realizes the impact of the plastic on our planet.

A good example is the Seventh continent. It’s a new continent in the Pacific Ocean which is made of plastic waste. This is not normal !

Furthemore there are still more than five billion plastic bags which are consume in France.

Plastic are made of oil material and nature take between one hundred and four hundred years to destroy them totally.

Every years, there are approximately thousands marine mammals who dying in cause of the plastic in the sea.

A lot of plastic find themselves in our city or in our envirnoment and this pollute our planet.

They are solutions were already organized as since 2000, pastic bags are paying in box or since January 2017, the bags for vegetables have been biodégradable.

To stop the pollution because of plastic, I have found solutions :

First, I recommend we stop producting plastic bags and we should produce more paper bags because paper bags are reusable and don’t pollute our environment.

You can also avoid to use plastic bags ,everyday you go to shopping but you should use every time you go shopping or you can use tote bags because it’s made with recyclable materials.

I suggest to teach to all people to recycle better because If people recycle, there will be less pollution of plastic.

I just found this solutions but you, you can find plenty of other solutions.

To conclude, the plastic are responsible for the pollution of our planet. If Humans overcomsuming plastic, the Earth would be less polluted.

Thanks for your attention, I hope we will produce less pollution during the next years and remember you : It belongs to us to act and we have to do it now


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