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Presentation about teenagers during the 60's

Étude de cas : Presentation about teenagers during the 60's. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Décembre 2019  •  Étude de cas  •  418 Mots (2 Pages)  •  558 Vues

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In 1963, with full employment and high wages, most families could enjoy a better standard of living, a situation they had never experienced before. For this reason, eighty per cent of adolescents left school at the age of 15 and most of these young people were able to find full-time jobs. Thanks to those jobs and this higher standard of living, they had "money to burn" for clothes, magazines, and especially music. Therefore, we can understand that it is from this period that the music began to spread, the contest that rewarded the best music of the moment was even created at that time, its name was "hit parade". The figures prove the idea stated just before because in 1955, there are only four million records that are avenged while in 1963, there are sixty and one million that are sold! To understand how teenagers in each family were spending, there was a survey that was done to try to find the source of the expenses, The investigation was therefore carried out on a young person from Bimingham who bought music discs and magazines automatically. Even the historian Polly Russell, wanted to understand how teenagers occupied their leisure, this is why she will meet the famous DJ Tony Blackburn who began her career in the 1960s. During his interview, he explains that at this time people have more money, so to occupy their leisure they wanted to listen to music for example but to listen to this music, it takes a record and a record player, that’s why the music business is booming. Or when you didn’t have enough money to buy a record player, you had to go to relatives to listen to music. The former Dj also says that once friends of his even came to his home to listen to music records, he finds this act magnificent because there is like a sharing in listening  music. In order for the family of this show to discover the period music, the girl and her friend listened to records on a record player that the production sent. The daughter of the introduced family made us understand that in machines like record players gave freedom to young people to flourish because music is a means of escape, and that they could listen to music whenever they wanted. The mother of the family, she, explicitly made us understand that during this immersion day of the year 1963, she did not like the dish of the "Vesta Curry".


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