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Dissertation : PROPORTIONATE ETHICAL REVIEW. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Mai 2020  •  Dissertation  •  1 580 Mots (7 Pages)  •  567 Vues

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Ethics Review Checklist for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies


Please note that it is your responsibility in the conduct of your study to follow the policies and procedures set out in the University’s Research Governance Framework, and any relevant academic or professional guidelines such as the BERA guidelines.  This includes providing appropriate information sheets and consent forms, and ensuring confidentiality in the storage and use of data.  Any significant change in the question, design or conduct over the course of the study should be discussed with your academic supervisor.  Depending on the nature of the changes, a new application for ethics approval may be required. 

N.B.  This checklist must be completed – and any resulting follow-up action taken - before potential participants are approached to take part in any study.

  • CCCU Research Governance Framework   

  • The British Educational Research Association ethical guidelines for research (2018) 

Type of Project - please mark (x) as appropriate



Knowledge Exchange

Section A:  Applicant Details

A1. Name of applicant:

A2. Level of Study

A3  Student I.D.

A4. University Email address:

A6. Telephone number

Please note that under no circumstances should you provide details of your personal email address or your mobile phone number as a means of contact for your participants.

Section B:  Ethics Checklist

Please answer each question by marking (X) in the appropriate box:




Does the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable or unable to give informed consent (e.g. children, people with learning disabilities), or in unequal relationships (e.g. people in prison, your own staff or students)?


Will the study require the co-operation of a gatekeeper for initial access to any vulnerable groups or individuals to be recruited (e.g. students at school, members of self-help groups, residents of nursing home)?

Section C:  How to Proceed

C1.        If you have answered ‘NO’ to both the questions in Section B, you should complete Sections D–F as appropriate and send the completed and signed Checklist to your academic supervisor who will retain it as part of your academic record.

C2.         If you have answered ‘YES’ to either of the questions in Section B, this will indicate that your proposed study must be submitted for approval to your Programme Ethics Review Panel before you will be permitted to commence your research.  You should complete Sections D-F, ensuring that you fully explain in Section D why your study involves an answer of  ‘YES’ to the relevant question(s) in Section B, and how you plan to deal with the ethical issues this raises.


Section D:  Project Details

D1. Project title:

D2. Dates during which data will be collected.

D4. Lay summary (max 500 words)

Provide an overview of the research question and a brief description of the methods to be used to gather data including, where appropriate, sample questions, observation schedules or other data collection tools.

You must then include information on how you have considered ethical issues, e.g.

  • anonymity and confidentiality of participants
  • consent of adults/verbal assent of children (including use of recording technology)
  • right of opt-out at any stage
  • data protection
  • sensitivity regarding material and process (including the recruitment of participants)

delete this guidance before submitting your form

Section E1:  For completion by Student

E1. Module name and number or

      course and Department:

E2. Name of Supervisor or module


E3. Email address of Supervisor or

      Module leader

Section E2:  For completion by Supervisor

Please tick the appropriate boxes.  The study should not begin until all boxes are ticked:

The ethical issues in the study have been satisfactorily considered and addressed and the form is ready for presentation to the panel

There is an appropriate participant information sheet which can be used to inform adults (paper copy) or children (read to them) about the project.

If a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check is required, this has been carried out


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