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Fiche : PRESENTATION DE FRANCK ABAGNALE aide bac. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Janvier 2018  •  Fiche  •  301 Mots (2 Pages)  •  733 Vues

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Franck abagnale

Franck william abagnale jr is a crook forger and an impostor. He’s considered as the youngest and ambitious rogue.He’s very smart.

His mother is a french woman from Montrichard.

Franck was very close to his parents, especially his father. His father had trouble with justice.

When Franck’s parents divorced, he was so traumatized, he decided to run away.

His life as a scammer then began. For example, he falsified checks and cashed nearly four millions dollars in all America and twenty-six others countries.

Or even more surprising, between 1964 and 1967, Franck pretended to be a co-pilot of Paname Airlines. Thus, he avoided paying accomodation fees, he traveled through 26 countries and all this for free.It’s from this moment that the FBI began to look for him. Carll Hanratty was in charge ofthe case.

Then, he falsified graduates and was hired as chief of the pediatric wardens. He pretends his name is Franck Conners. In this hospital, he met Brend who will become his wife.

He was so smart, he passed his exams and became general prosecutor without cheating.

But, during his marriage, the FBI tried to catch him but hemanaged to escape in Europe.

He continued to falsify checks but, he was arrestedin France. Hanratty had him extradited.

He tried again to escape from the plane but he is stopped the same night in front of his mother’s house.

He spent 4 years in prison and obtained a parole thanks to his talent to recognize false checks.

He worked at FBI under the supervision of Carl Hanratty.

since 1974 franck has helped the fbi capture some of the world's most elusive check forgers and counterfeiters, and is considered one of the world's foremost authorities on bank fraud and forgery.

I really like the movie, the story is  inspired by real facts and I like how franck swindled and it is out.


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