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Oral BTS AG anglais

Rapport de stage : Oral BTS AG anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mars 2017  •  Rapport de stage  •  481 Mots (2 Pages)  •  4 459 Vues

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BTS Assistant de Gestion de PME-PMI à Référentiel

Commun Européen - Session 2016

Matricule : MM16086014


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Présentation de l’entreprise

Tâches réalisées

Résultat obtenue


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During my second year of Advanced technician's certificate assisting of management SMEs/SMIs, I did an internship during  6 weeks in a company  to acquire experience .  
I did my traning course in  the DOCH Council company situated in Bagnolet near Paris .
My project   concerned the creation of a company for one of our customers.

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Reason social : DOCH Council

Shape ofthe company : personal business profession liberal

Adress : 232 street of NOISY LE SEC 93170 BAGNOLET

Téléphone :

Year of creation : 6 janvier 2003

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A staff of seven employees including the leader

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1-Le projet[pic 6]

the project was about creating a new business from the beginning. The mission was then project creation and management with the help of the accountant,The project had to be related to the entrepreneur and his or her ideas.

As banks say, a successful project is about the capacity to be organised, to respect deliverables and to prevent risks.

2-L’étude de marché

The objective of a market study are twofold:
- Estimating the market to Reduce the areas of uncertainty and better encircle the environment  in which the client will evolve

- Measuring the Feasibility of the initial project.
A fast overview of the competitors (direct and indirect) and needs for the target customers Was already done.

3-Le plan financier

The entrepreneur must first determine the initial amount he needs to start business. Several funding sources are possible:

- Near Contributions
- Unsecured loan
- Bank loan

4-Le statut juridique

Starting a business requires to provide a legal framework to the new legal structure. We must choose the most suitable form to the project.
There are various possible legal forms: SARL, EURL, SAS, SA, sole proprietorship, autoentrepreneur ... The choice is critical because it determines the level of risk, tax and social regime of the contractor.

[pic 7]

I completed the formalities for declaring the company and the choice of the legal form chosen.
The first steps are done at the Center of Formalities for Enterprises (CFE) from which you must register the company.


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