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Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros

Synthèse : Mythe et Hero le Rêve américain et les immigrés héros. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  2 Novembre 2019  •  Synthèse  •  784 Mots (4 Pages)  •  762 Vues

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"I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. First we can define the word “myth” as a popular belief or tradition of a society or false notion. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen two documents: a song about the American land, a photo and an extract of novel.

We are going to ask if the American dream is a reality.

The song is entitled “American Land” and is written by Bruce Springsteen. It talks about the wave of immigration in America during the end of the 19th century until the 20th century. Bruce Springsteen enounces the hopes of the immigrants about this new land. At the beginning of the song, he describes the country like a wonderful place where you can become rich easily. He also mentions the opportunities to build his house and to work. But in the end of his song he talk about the difficulties encountered by the immigrants when they arrive in American . in fact, the singer refers to the working class which works in factories risking their lives. Indeed the singer critizies the American dream.

The second document is a a photo of 1920 where we can even a tails of people and black people who looks poor and unhappy. With just above them an publicity of the American model family. We see a huge gap between these two worlds because the pub represents the American dream of a happy family while people living at the same time look sad in the photo

The third document is an extract of novel who tells us that during the Great Depression of 1930 the farmers's lands had stolens by the banks and lacked a lot of money. But the farmers refused to leave their land and were chased

To conclude, in those documents there is an opposition between myth and reality. The myth is the vision have the immigrants of United States like in the first document, where they think that America is the land of opportunities. On the contrary, the reality is the hard conditions of life of the immigrants and discrimination they can be victim like in the second document. But in all situations, workers, immigrants for documents 1 and 2 and American for document 3 are heroes who work and do everything to enjoy the American dream which is unfortunately a myth

Je vais parler de la notion de mythes et de héros. Premièrement, nous pouvons définir le mot" mythe "comme une croyance populaire ou une tradition de société ou une fausse notion. Pour illustrer cette notion, j’ai choisi deux documents: une chanson la terre américaine, une photo et un extrait de roman.

Nous allons demander si le rêve américain est une réalité.

La chanson s'intitule «American Land» et est écrite par Bruce Springsteen. Il parle de la vague d'immigration en Amérique de la fin du 19ème siècle jusqu'au 20ème siècle. Brice Springsteen exprime les espoirs des immigrants sur cette nouvelle terre. Au début de la chanson, il décrit le pays comme un endroit merveilleux où il est facile de s’enrichir. Il mentionne également les opportunités de construire sa maison et de travailler. Mais à la fin de sa chanson, il parle des difficultés rencontrées par les immigrants à leur arrivée en Amérique. En fait, le chanteur se réfère à la classe ouvrière qui


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