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L'idée de progrès (oral anglais BAC)

Fiche : L'idée de progrès (oral anglais BAC). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Avril 2019  •  Fiche  •  367 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 354 Vues

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        First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development of the society, the technologies, the way of thinking, and so on... which change the world in a better place

        In order to introduce this notion, I have chosen to talk about the progress in the 60s

        Why have the sixties been the decade of the progress in the UK ?

        First, I'm going to study the power of music in this decade, and then I will talk about the fashion during this period.


- First, the 60s are a huge step in the world of the music for the UK, this is the rise of the rock'n roll's bands. Lots of bands shook up the entire world during this period, like The Rolling Stones or The Beatles for exemple.

- A big progress which had help the pop music to rise in the UK are the pirate radios. They were called this way because they stood up against the monopoly of the BBC and bypassed the laws in order to broadcast pop music which was banned in the UK and flourishing in America.


- Then, the second big changement of the decade is the fashion which has been revolutionized. especially by the seamstress Mary Quant who changed totally the fashion. By presenting differents way of getting dressed, she created a different way of living. Her innovation in the world of the fashion was a real progress because she invented the miniskirt.

- The way of being dressed after that totally changed and everyone wanted to get dressed the same way, which would have been really weird the previous years. → consumerism.


In a nutshell, the reason why the 60s are the decade of the progress in the UK is because of the rise of the pop music and the new trends in the fashion field. Why does today's notion of progress is totally different of this previous one ?


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