Internship report cas
Rapport de stage : Internship report cas. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar princesse21 • 19 Avril 2016 • Rapport de stage • 621 Mots (3 Pages) • 855 Vues
My internship report
- Presentation
I completed my internship in Hary G. It’s a firm specialise in air conditionner. The company install, reparing and maintains them , but it sales too home appliance products.
The firm hired 19 employees and that situated at Prima, it’s a quarter of Saint denis.
The CEO call Harry GRONDIN , the firm was created in 1993.
Currently HARY.G is very performing and the turnover is very high. Its due the season because it’s summer and people are hot. December to March are their best period , there are more sales.
I worked with the accountant Miss MAZEAU Anika, she was my tutor. However sometimes I worked in an other service as commercial service.
- Job description
My work was flexible, I did different things every days .
I started at 9 :00 am , I went to lunch at midday, I came back to work at 1 :00 pm and finish at 4 :00 pm.
Morning, I finished yesterday’ s work because my tutor arrived often after me. Then, my tutor gaves me another work to do.
My task are composed of answer the phone when I had the time. I gave advice the customer, took their order and take care of their billing.
Even if my tutor was the chief accountant , I was present in other services. I assisted the manager assistant to take care of technics planning. I asssisted the CEO in a date with a partner to sign a contract. Sometimes. When I didn’t have work I did photocopying and scaned documents to the other employee needed.
Besides, during my internship I was in charge a project concerning my final exam. My project consisting of the creation of unique document, It’s a obligatory document at all company and the firm don’t have it.
I was helped of my colleagues and my tutor to manage it. I could asked questions any time and I had access to internet on my computer. In addition, I could asked advice with my teacher by e-mails .
- Assesments
On a proffessionnal level, I learnt many things. I know more things concerning the world of work than before. Now I know how use softwares like EBP compta. I am more comfortable in my relationship with customer to phone. I learnt how to negociate and advice the clients.
My internship in Hary G was very instructif. I learnt to become more proffessionnal and more patient. I acquired experience and my skills of manager assistant are increasing.
My best memory was when the chief executive propose me to assit him during a negociation with his partner. I felt important and I felt than the Ceo had confiance with me.
To contrary my worst memory waswhen I was with an demanding customer , he felt me incompetent because I could not answer his request.
- Conclusion
I can say than I prefered my second internship because during it I was in charge of more responsability so I worked more. I learnt different things and I was feeling part of the firm.
My point of view of the worldwork is to good part of the compagny , it is necessary to find they place and feel good in the environement. There is a concurrence with other colleagues and it is for that’s than someone must surpass itself and bring its added value. The worldwork is very different from school. It’s more serious and more stressing. The common point it’s at the end there is an objectif to attein.