International trade
Cours : International trade. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar agbj • 16 Décembre 2020 • Cours • 993 Mots (4 Pages) • 562 Vues
Business english
International trade
Trade = exchange, buy and sell, import and export...
Influence of new IT, fast transportation, lowering tariffs and cloud computing.
After WW2: new institutions and laws to regulate trade and promote peace.
Free trade:
- Definition (OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development): goods and services can be bought and sold between countries or sub-national regions without tariffs, quotas or other restrictions.
- Expression coined by British economist John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873): “trade barriers are chiefly injurious to the countries imposing them.”
Without international trade, we would all be poorer and we would have fewer resources => no pineapples, no coffee, no cotton clothes, no foreign holidays... International trade benefits all participating countries.
Yet, totally free trade => problems to countries or to groups of people living in those countries. Many people are in favour of restricting trade.
1930s: Great Depression
=> restriction of imports by the use of tariffs and quotas
=> protectionism +++
=> dramatic fall in world trade
After WW2: desire to reduce trade restrictions
2.1. Bretton Woods Agreement
1944: delegates from 44 countries met to reorganise the world's international financial system. Objective of US President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill = ensure post-war prosperity through economic co-operation
Goals of the meeting:
- ensure a foreign exchange rate system
- prevent competitive devaluations
- promote economic growth
1971: end of the Bretton Woods system. The US put an end to convertibility of the US dollar to gold.
2.2. GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs And Trade
signed in Geneva by 23 countries, 30th October 1947 .
took effect on 1st January 1948. implemented to boost economic recovery
April 1947 - September 1986: eight “rounds”.
The 8 th round:
- in Uruguay.
- many more topics beyond tariffs were included in the main agenda, including intellectual property, agriculture and dispute settlement. - led to the creation of the WTO.
WTO created in January 1995
deals with the trade in goods and services and in inventions and designs.
WTO rules:
- non-discrimination = the principle of most-favoured nation (MFN) treatment. trade concession a country makes to one member must be granted to all signatories. Exception: free-trade areas and customs unions (e.g. EU)
quotas are prohibited
fair competition: discouraging unfair trade practices (e.g. dumping and export subsidies).
binding tariffs
criticism of WTO laws has emerged:
- Undemocratic
- Privatise public utilities and services
- destroying the environment
- is killing people : « trade related intellectual property rights
2013: China became the largest trade country in the world + the second largest economy.
India's expansion => prosperity of the middle class in recent years. 10 of the 30 fastest growing urban areas are located in India.
Brazil = oil