Exemple de fiche: Idea of progress
Fiche : Exemple de fiche: Idea of progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar coolgathe • 6 Décembre 2016 • Fiche • 653 Mots (3 Pages) • 947 Vues
NOTION: Idea of progress
Title: How does the father son relationship evolved through time in USA?
Let’s deal with the father son relationship evolution and progress. The idea of progress can be defined as a forward movement, a social, technological, scientific evolution which overthrows Society’s traditions. It’s often considered as a gradual betterment, but it also can have some drawbacks.
Family structure is evolving today as well as father son relationship. The father, even if he isn’t the one who give birth, plays a role increasingly important at the heart of the family. He’s a model to follow; symbol of masculinity, the son is really close to him and have certain complicity due to their sex. The two series extracts we will study, show two different types of families: one which is more traditional than the other one. Both families give us entry point to study father-son relationship and more particularly the conflict due to the son’s gender orientation.
On the one hand in the American TV show produced by Lee Daniels and called “Empire”, we discover a traditional family with a high social background from which the father, Lucious Lyon, looks distant (he’s standing far from the crowd). In fact, during the singing performance, his second son, Jamal, reveals him his true nature: he is gay and doesn’t want to hide this truth anymore and scream it loudly. Lucious is very proud of his son at the beginning because Jamal is honouring him singing his father’s first successful song. However, Lucious changes his face into a very hard one when he hears the new lyric “a man loves a man”. He is totally upside down and doesn’t accept this difference. He’s ashamed and looks embarrassed whereas the rest of his family is proud and admirative of this brave act. In fact, he’s absolutely not ready to tolerate his son’s homosexuality because for him it is simply a weakness. Besides that, when Jamal Lyon was just a little boy, his father put him into a bin can, a very brutal way, just because he was dressed like a woman. Homosexuality wasn’t really welcome in USA during last century.
On the other hand, “Modern family” TV show portrays a father called Jay who founds difficult to accept that a gay couple can formed a family. His son Mitchell married for 5 years with Cameron just goes back form Viet Nam where they adopted a baby. Mitchell is strongly afraid of his father’s reaction so he prefers not to reveal the truth until his boyfriend finally forces him. Jay’s first attitude is to reject the Vietnamese baby girl but very soon he let himself conquered by this baby girl: he’s more tolerant than the other father. All he wants is his son’s happiness.
These two series reveal the evolution of American mentalities because a few years ago it wouldn’t have been possible to see a couple of gay in a TV show. This series might exaggerate some traits but it depicts the real nowadays families. Now, in USA and others countries, there is more tolerance regarding sexual identities.
Both of them required a public representation to reveal their “secret”. May be this was because of their low intimate father’s relationship.
To conclude, this two modern american TV show bring out a recent progress: homosexuality isn’t a taboo anymore but it still have a long way to achieve a truly acceptation of this difference. It’s also show that a dialogue between father and son isn’t always easy to have but is expected to develop. Also a mutual respect should exist between them because we know how it can be hurtful and destructive to be rejected from the one whom has been ones model.