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Exemple de discours président USA après Obama

Discours : Exemple de discours président USA après Obama. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Mai 2017  •  Discours  •  472 Mots (2 Pages)  •  806 Vues

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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I’m very glad to be with you tonight and thank you for being here. You have given me the honour to lead the Republican Party to victory this fall.

During my time as governor of Texas, I realized something important, many issues are facing our country it can’t go on like that. I plan to struggle these problems. I have been governor of Texas during five years, and I think I did a great job. I think we have done a great job these 5 years. I’m sure we can continue our struggle 4 more years.

I know that President Obama has disappointed many of you, but I won’t do the same mistakes as he did. I swear to fix the broken system that Obama couldn’t fix. We are going to fix the system so it works fairly and justly for each and every American

A big issue facing this country right now is the crisis : we have twenty trillion dollars in debt… but I was a business man before politics so I know how to make money and I’m sure that we can easily work things out.

In order to reduce poverty, I will focus on unemployment : I think that every American can create his own business and hire tens of thousands people. Everyone can be successful. And I’ll support those who, as me, want to raise the economy of the United States again. We can work together.

Furthermore I know the harsh reality of Immigration and I promise to change it for the better. There will be more controls at the borders, there will be less illegal immigrants, and there will be more jobs for Americans. Follow me and I promise you that we will fix the economic issues. I won’t let illegal immigrants ruin our country. But I’ll give a chance to every legal immigrant to become a part of the society. I truly believe that every legal immigrant will get a job if I’m elected and you will help the country rise again. I know we are going to do great things together.

The American People will come first once again. My plan will begin with safety at home which means secure borders, and protection from terrorism.

When I am President, I will work to ensure that all of our kids are treated equally, and protected equally. I also want to give them a good education because if we want Americans to be successful, our children need a good education. We will reduce studies debts which are insanely high right now (an average debt of 26000$ per student). We will give to our children the best education.

There is nothing we cannot accomplish

I fought for my family, I fought for my business, I fought for my employees and now I’m going to fight for you the American people.


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