Essay of Organic Chemistry
Chronologie : Essay of Organic Chemistry. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar juliaferrari • 16 Novembre 2018 • Chronologie • 891 Mots (4 Pages) • 524 Vues
Chemistry 212 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II Lecture (CRN 19268)
Semester: Fall 2018
Instructor: Roberto de la Salud Bea
Office: Kennedy 411
Phone: (901)-843-3649
Classes on: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00 AM to 8:50 AM in room KEN 201
Office hours: MWF from 14:30 to 16:00
Course Description:
The first semester of Organic Chemistry has been focused on the introduction of principles, concepts, chemical reactions and nature of several functional groups.
During this second semester we will use those principles to introduce new concepts (conjugation, aromaticity) and get a deeper study of important functional groups (carbonyl compounds, alcohols, amines…) as well as a general view of organic molecules with biological interest (sugars, amino acids, peptides, etc.) We will also study spectroscopic techniques (Infrared, NMR, MS) and their application for the identification of complex molecules.
Text Book and Other Materials:
Textbook: Paula Yurkanis Bruice. Organic Chemistry. 8th Edition. Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall
Molecular model set: Not required but highly recommended.
Exams and Grades:
There will be total 500 possible points divided as follows:
3 Midterm exams: 3 x 100 points
1 Final exam: 100 points
5 Quizzes. They will last 10-15 min. and will be 25 points each.
Only the best 4 quizzes will be counted for a total of 100 points.
Exams and Quizzes are on Fridays.
- Quizzes will cover topics from the last one.
- Midterms will cover topics from the last midterm
- Final exam is the ACS standardized exam. It has a multiple choice format and it is comprehensive, covering all topics for the semesters OrGo I and OrGo II. It will be common for all sections of Organic Chemistry II lecture.
Points from all these quizzes and exams or any other possible source (if any such as: bonus questions, pop-quizzes, seminar attendance, etc.) will be added and the final grade of the semester will be based on the following table:
Points | Grades | Points | Grades | |
474-500 | A | 351-374 | C+ | |
445-473 | A- | 325-350 | C | |
418-444 | B+ | 300-324 | C- | |
395-417 | B | 275-299 | D | |
375-394 | B- | 0-274 | F |
Tentative Class Schedule for Topics:
Topics |
Conjugation. Diels Alder |
Spectroscopy: MS, IR, UV, NMR |
Aromaticity. Reactions of Benzene |
Alcohols, Epoxides Ethers, Thiols, Amines |
Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives |
Aldehydes, Ketones |
Aminoacids, Peptides, Proteins |
Class Norms:
Class attendance:
- The student is the only responsible for his/her attendance to class.
- If the student misses classes, he/she is responsible to obtain any material and information presented during the class. Exceptions are handouts, tables and other materials posted in the Academic Department Folder, which are publically accessible.
- The student is expected to be in the classroom on time and ready to begin promptly.
Exams and Quizzes:
- Unless otherwise indicated, exams and quizzes are taken on Fridays. Exams will last the 50 minutes of the class time and quizzes will last 10-15 minutes at the end of the class.
- The student can choose to take an early exam at any time with all the benefits (such as bonus questions and, of course, no point penalties). It is recommended to contact with me as early as possible to have the early exam ready.
- With a proper justification (medical reasons, sport participation, etc.) the student can take a late exam or quiz with all benefits.
- Without a proper justification, late make-up quizzes or exams will be 10 % off of the final grade per working day passed with no extras such as bonus questions. After 2 working days the not taken quiz or exam will be considered failed (0 points). Please, contact with me when possible if this is due to an unexpected situation. I will set another exam if proceeds.
- Review of quizzes and exams will be accepted within one week after graded and turned back to students. After this time no reviews or modifications will be done to the final grade.
Electronic devices:
- For your consideration to other classmates please be kind and keep your tablets, cell phones and other devices with sound off during class time.
- Students are allowed to bring and use in class computers, tablets and other electronic devices for taking notes and follow class explanations. However, this must be done in a way that does not interfere, distract or interrupt other students or the normal activity of the class.