Essay, how do americans feel about guns?
Dissertation : Essay, how do americans feel about guns?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar charlotte r. • 14 Février 2023 • Dissertation • 2 707 Mots (11 Pages) • 505 Vues
How do Americans feel about guns?
American history is rooted in guns. The Second Amendment to the American Constitution was instated so that the state may never exercise tyrannic power such as lived under British rule. Ever since, Americans have clung to their guns whether it be for their own protection and freedom, or sports. However, guns are violence, violence compressed in a barrel, in a bullet, in a trigger, thrown across time and space to kill, to harm. Guns fundamentally can only harm, and with this harm growing anti-gun groups have assembled, in America and elsewhere in the world, to oppose the rule of guns and advocate for change. Therefore, we will look at the division in American society between those who are in favour of guns and those who oppose them.
Those who favour guns in the United States represent 29% of the population and are majorly politically left wing and Republicans, 51% of the latter reject gun control. They are stereotypically represented as middle aged white males, from working to upper class, Christian, and principally living in the areas and states of the Bible Belt. However, individuals and civilians are not the only reason why guns are still proliferating in America, much of this is due to the work of pressure groups, or lobbies, such as the famous (or infamous, depending on one’s stance on the issue) NRA-ILA, the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action, advocating for the protection of guns and the right to bear arms.
Historically, guns and the right to bear arms have been protected through the Second Amendment declaring that “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. Ever since its ratification Americans have relied on the Constitution to govern the country and the Second Amendment is no exception, it is a central and traditional part of life on which Americans rely and refuse to see changed, evolved or modified since the 18th century. Many Americans believe that the Founding Fathers Constitution is the heart of the American nation, and therefore that guns cannot be lawfully regulated and should not be. However stubborn and unconscious of consequences this view may seem, there are other arguments that pro-gun Americans claim, such as the strength and resilience of its citizens.
Self-reliance is a major part of American and Republican values, part of the self-made rich man and American Dream archetypes. Therefore, self-reliance also encompasses defence, some politicians and civilians believing it is up to individuals to defend themselves, their families and estate. Guns ensure the ability to defend oneself, the most common example brought up is that of a home invasion where the lawful armed civilians would be able to defend himself (and family) from the threat at hand without being harmed or stolen from, the authorities would take too long to get to the scene and mortal danger could have occurred in the meantime. That is why many Americans, especially those living in remote countrysides or in dangerous neighbourhoods, believe that their right to bear arms should not be removed should they be ever placed in such a life-threatening situation. Additionally, many believe that guns and arms have a dissuasive power. For example, if a criminal knows or suspects that this civilian is armed it is less likely for them to attack in the first place. Regardless of these two arguments, many conjecture that if guns were ever made illegal by the government that would be undermining the first principle of the Second Amendment which is to ensure that the government does not repeat the tyranny it exerted when the USA was a British colony and civilians were unarmed. Armed civilians means opportunity for rebellion would the state be considered tyrannical and autocratic by the people. Some Americans even argue that the Second Amendment and gun laws are the lung of democracy, allowing the United States to thrive as a democracy because it is always under scrutiny and the threat of a revolution is never far away. Therefore, removing the right to bear arms would be not only negatively empowering the government but as an action made by the government it would be an act of tyranny in itself. Of course, all these examples are dangerous situations no one would ever wish to happen, so could one argue that all pro-gun Americans are defeatists? No, of course not, because guns are not only used for defence but also as a tool used for example in sports.
A large number of Americans partake in activities such as hunting or even sport shooting, two sports especially requiring guns. Without them many Americans would be deprived of their joy or of their skills, but sometimes it is even deeper than that; in 2018 an article by published the story of Tyler Tiller, an Oregon hunter, who used his shared passion with his daughter to spend quality time with her. He explained that these moments together in the wild, doing something they both loved, were not really about hunting but really more about spending time with his daughter, Taylor, and building a bond as well as teaching her about self-confidence, the environment and how to respect and thank nature. So, regardless of what one believes about guns, guns bring people together and banning them would not put an end to the issue of crime and violence.
To the NRA and Republicans, alongside Americans who believe in protecting gun rights, banning arms is far from being the solution. Indeed, like drugs, without a legal market the illegal market would thrive, become better organized and larger, harder to regulate. Therefore, crimes would soar as law abiding citizens would no longer be able to defend themselves however criminals, who, even as of today when guns are legal, buy their arms off illegal markets, would be armed. Additionally, the gun restriction laws already in place, such as background checks have proved ineffective over time. Indeed, in 2016 the Obama Administration carried out a research in which they discovered that only 10% of criminals who acted through firearms obtained them legally, 90% of the 10% of them did not have a criminal background. So, although their purchase was legal and done in the correct conditions, preventing the crime would have been impossible. For the other 90% of criminals their acts could not have been possibly stopped by banning guns since said guns were obtained via the illegal market. Of course, this is only the example for background check laws, but even stricter laws would be inefficient. Take Chicago for instance, in 2020 it was the city which recounted more than 50% of the USA’s gun violence and had the most gun-murder crimes ratio in all of the United States. However, Chicago also