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Essay about globalization

Cours : Essay about globalization. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Novembre 2017  •  Cours  •  385 Mots (2 Pages)  •  734 Vues

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Essay – Sample correction

Answer : To what extent are outsourcing and globalization a modern face of slavery ? What can companies from the western world do to improve the fate of workers in the countries where their production is outsourced ?

Globalization is credited for economic development. We live in a world of prosperity where goods produced in faraway places is readily available and globalization has fueled growth in many developing countries. Yet, it has a dark side : the local workforce is often exploited by big multinational companies which outsource production to low wages countries for the benefit of the western consumers. We can wonder if globalization isn’t above all the expression of a new form of slavery

Thanks to globalization, western and American corporations have access to cheap labor and can therefore reduce their production costs, increase profitability and strenghten their competitiveness on the world market. This strategy takes a toll on the local workforce. It provides them with employment but they work in appalling conditions : They have no safety in the workplace, they are overworked and poorly paid. Worst of all is the abuse they suffer from their employers who regard and treat them as slaves. This form of exploitation reminds of colonialism where the western world conquered, ruled countries to take advantages of local ressources including labor.

This form of slavery is widely accepted as it follows the laws and the logic of the market economy. However, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the plight of these slave workers and want companies to engage in a more ethical business approach. More and more companies have implemented control over their supply chain, demanding that their suppliers abide by a code of conduct and thus make sure the labor works in decent conditions and are fairly treated.

They conduct audits on a regular basis and hold their suppliers accountable. Of course, this means keeping from selecting them on a cost only approach and being willing to pay a premium for the goods produced in a responsible manner.

There is no denying that globalization is a form of modern slavery but mentalities are beginning to change. As consumers are getting more ethical they expect brands to source products in a more responsible way. A balance should be reached between profitability and people’s livelyhood. Everyone should gain from globalization


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