Analyse sectorielle : ENGLISH WORK : COUCHSURFING. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar valarnoux • 3 Janvier 2016 • Analyse sectorielle • 556 Mots (3 Pages) • 974 Vues
I decided to present the couchsurfing wich proposes, thanks to the internet community, a new way of travelling all around our beautiful planet. That's a fact, the Internet, by his unlimited abilities, is bringing changes in the field of culture. As a measure of fact, it overcomes the problem of the global frontiers. Lots of online projects appeared by surfing on this chance to meet and discover new cultures only by a click. Couchsurfing.com is an example of online projetcs which has known on big hit within the global community.
Casey Fenton, Daniel Hoffer, Sebastian Le Tuan and Leonardo Bassani da Silveira gave birth to Couchsurfing in 2004. The idea that people anywhere would want to share their homes with strangers they haven't forcelly met yet came to them with an email they send to a group of students in Iceland. At the begining, Couchsurfing was not supposed to encounter such a succes but it consisted in a small passion project. Couchsurfing shares of the principle that any user of the traveller community can become your friend and invit you in his home. Couchsurfing is only a bridge which make easier the meets between travellers. Howewer, in order to become a member of this wonderful concept, you have to create your coucsurfing profile : it allows travellers speaking about heir goals in life and what they prefer doing etc.. Once you have done it, each year, Couchsurfing organize events in cities to Get in touch with experienced Couchsurfers iand to get a feel for how Couchsurfing works. Then, free to you to make your choice in the panel of destinations the site proposes to travellers, come into contact by emails or messages the person you want to experiment a sharing of culture with.
Couchsurfing envisions a world where everyone can in a same time explore the world and discover new way of life. When you open your mind to what cultures offer to you, you respect these cultures not only because you travel but also because you share your life with others. The ultimate goal of Couchsurfing would be to create a global community.
Thus, Couchsurfing contributes in making the world better fighting racism, discrimanition and intolerance. Why it makes the world better ? Because, it shows that a world in which everybody share with someone whose skin colour, culture or skin colour are not forcelly the same can exist. Moreover once people try it, they can't travel an other way.
I knew couchsurfing since my brother has used it to go to Montana in the USA 5 months ago. For 5 weeks, he has lived in an american family, following them every where they go with other travellers. For example, he visited Yellowstone national park and Glacier one. Their, He met other travellers coming from Italia, Poland and France. My brother realised how different were american way of life and european's one. American live every day as they can die in the evening and so they purchase happinnes every time. When he came back in France, my brother felt like being in a village but still appreciate our country, more particularly french food ! Howewer, my brother does not regret his experiment, on the contrary, he plans to start again such an experiment wich has brought to him a new vision of life.