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Work On A Movie : Slumdog Millionaire

Note de Recherches : Work On A Movie : Slumdog Millionaire. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2013  •  314 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 017 Vues

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The character that I chose is MAMAN, a villain character of the movie Slumdog Millionaire.

Physically he is tall, skinny and dressed correctly, he is a dishonest man who appears for the first time in front of Jamal and Salim while they were sleeping in a dump, at first he seemed kind but quickly we realizes his real nature.

Maman shown cruelty toward the boys he finds in juvenile homes. He takes advantage of the poor children of the street because he has money and therefore power over them. He makes them believe that they will have a good life, but in fact the ruins. Their need for food must take over, that’s how they are trapped in the cycle of poverty. When a boy does not win the necessary 100 rupees per day, he remains in the ‘’famine’’. Boys are mutilated in order to maximize their earning potential because they rely on the sympathy of the public, he also teaches them to sing for begging.

India spot a large number of beggars, children must "stand out" that is why the deformations and the violence are inflicted. Children have different opinions about him; some believe "it is not an angel but at least it gives us two meals a day" and others see the reality "You do not have to eat, you lie on an empty stomach if you do not win 100 rupees per day".

Maman is a stereotype character of Indian society that benefits of the weakest. This character is used to denounce human slavery (more child labor) that is still practiced today in a developing country such as India, child beggars are not most of the time abandoned or orphaned but often kidnapped from their earliest age to enrich people as Mom.

I think that the study of this character is very interesting because it represents a major face of India, although it’s negative.


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