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Work Experience

Mémoires Gratuits : Work Experience. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  28 Novembre 2013  •  278 Mots (2 Pages)  •  986 Vues

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During my two-year-post-A-level course in accountancy and management, I did a two month work placement in a property business which is Pichet.

I found my work placement by sending an application and a CV. I worked at the headquarters of the company which is located at Pessac. This company sell their products in France, particularly in the Aquitaine region and there are 700 employees who work for her.

Pichet has several activities. Indeed, there are the property development which is the first profession corps of the group, the asset management, the patrimonial real estate, the hotel management (All suites apart Hotel) and the wine growing activities.

My working hours were to 9 from 18 o’clock. I had at my disposal an office and a computer in the accountants department. My supervisor was the accounting director who directs the twenty accountants team.

First, I had to learn the operating of the accountant software. For that, at the beginning of my work placement, I watched how the accountant use this software and I tried to help them when I could.

Moreover, at beginning, I had to classify the different invoice in order to know the most important supplier.

Then, I had to check the books alone, and an accountant inspect my work when I finished.

This work placement enabled me to understand how a company works and to develop my skills.

Moreover, this experience allowed me to overcome my shyness because I had to communicate with all of the accountant team.

Nevertheless, the work that I had to do was really different of what I learnt at school.

To conclude, I believe that this work placement was a success for me.


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