TD : Dystopie. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Amelie _ • 18 Novembre 2018 • TD • 1 010 Mots (5 Pages) • 656 Vues
English: Dystopian novel
I woke up abruptly, the voices of the little kids in the apartment below chasing each other and screaming chasing my dreams away. I sat upright and remembered what today meant. I slipped on my used leather boots and took my bag. Even though it was early morning, the day was already warm. I greeted my little sister that was playing with a piece of deformed plastic nearby, hugging her tightly. She was only 7 but already had breathing problems because of the toxic air, ruining her lungs. She didn’t have to worry about anything yet, She was too young. “Where’s mom?” I asked her. “I don’t know, she went out early this morning” she croaked back. I knew mom just didn’t want to say goodbye, i understood. She had already lost a son, she would rather not see her daughter leave. I grabbed a bit of food and told my sister I was heading out. As much as I wanted to squeeze her one last time, she knew nothing and didn’t know her big sister was probably never going to come back, at least not alive.
Outside was hot and dry, dust swirling with trash in the scorching wind, rubbles of ancient buildings and past construction covering the streets. Like any other day, the sun was burning the earth and I already started sweating. But today was an important day. I was going to pass the Test, the Test I had prepared my whole life for. Passing the Test was the only way to finally escape from this prison. Up was the goal, the ultimate price, a space station away from the toxic earth we lived in today. A hundred years ago, overpopulation, war and pollution had destroyed the earth to a point where humanity was going nowhere. Hate and greed had finally destroyed us. Pollution made the ozone layer so thin the sun started burning the earth, killing life, melting the ice caps creating floods and natural disasters, making it harder and harder everyday to grow food. So a small group of people, the Founders, decided then to create “Up”, a new place for the human race to rebuild itself. The built a new world on a space station with all the necessities and new technologies for a life in paradise. But who was going to live in there? The Founders, to decide, created the Test to choose between those worthy of going Up and those who were not. A hundred years ago, the Founders went Up and the the Others were left behind.
As I was walking to the assessment quarters 5 miles away, I was joined with hundreds of people, hoping to pass the Test, just like me. Once a months, any person that wanted to pass the Test and had not already did it could present themselves to the large building. But the chances of success were slim. Only 5 % of all those people were going to succeed and join the other 5 % of the whole human population Up. Only human, any other form of life had been eliminated, leaving only us on this dry rock. I guess humans
are the toughest of them all. The sun was burning my nape and the hard unregular floor mad is a long and hard journey. Beads of sweat run down my face but I didn’t stop
After the long and tiresome walk, we finally arrived. The tension was palpable. Some groups that formed during trek where reciting mantras “Trust the Test. Have hope in the Founders. Up is freedom. “ over and over. How could they not see? The Founder were not saviors! They were selfish and arrogant rich people that left earth behind instead of trying to find a solution