- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Dystopie, anglais

Discours : Dystopie, anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Juin 2017  •  Discours  •  258 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 355 Vues

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It is only later that he had remembered that his father had spoken to him about a general strike of the company. He had then was able to join the 1st high-speed train that he seen without any concerns

Installed in the cabin, he had turned the key which he had to get back in the jacket of his father on carries him coat in the entrance of the house and had begun his intercontinental crossing. Fortunately that he was able to use the train because he had badly seen crossing 50 450 km that separated him from France.

During the 35-minute route he had been able to eat and relax a little of his long walk.  When he arrived in calais he had immediately sought a carriage in good working horder to cross the whole country.It is at the end of 46 hours when he had finally affected his destination.

Highways being totally filled, he had to take the small roads, which had largely extended him the way. Meanwhile he had had to change 8 times of car. He had got lost 14 times. And the most important he had met 3 people. Two girls who had met in Poitiers and had risen in Eric's car  200 km farther. They had ransacked a pharmacy so making a whole stock of anti pain, of disinfectant, antibiotics and potassium chloride. The latter was a product of a big utility because he allowed to protect itself from nuclear fallout. 18 hours later they had fallen on a 12-year-old young boy.


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