Dissertation about an article from an American newspaper, the "New York Times", dating from May 13, 2002.
Dissertation : Dissertation about an article from an American newspaper, the "New York Times", dating from May 13, 2002.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Sarah-sld • 15 Avril 2016 • Dissertation • 697 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 085 Vues
SALVADO Sarah 1ère L
We will talk about an article from an American newspaper, the " New York Times" dating from May 13, 2002 , entitled " Longer Legs , However Painful , Are Key to success in China" by Craig S.Smith . We are talking about Ilizarov procedure , an operation to stretch the size of the legs. This operation has positive and negative points that are explained in this text.
We will see how this operation is taking place. She was invented forty years ago by a Russian doctor. A bone is cut during surgery and is gradually distracted leading to new bone formation. A metal is applied on the legs with screws that must turn everyday to expand the bone to one millimeter a day or one inch a month. We have in this text some examples of Chinese who have undergone this operation, that of Zhang Xiaoli (ayant subis), a young woman of twenty four years old with an handicap of having her little sister more taller than her a. We also have the example of Wang Fulin, thirty three years old, she cannot squat.
In China, size criterion are required. They are required for some reasons, for work, for the couple, but also for school. This is why the majority of Chinese make a complex and undergo this operation to grow up. The society is complexed, the greatest people are favored and the smaller are placed in the gap.
This operation have advantages and disadvantages, she allows to Chinse to grow, no longer be complexed and attain the requiered size for working opportunity. But she has also inconvenients, the pain all the days because this is very painful and the risks that if it not done carefully, the risks are high. Bones separated too quickly will not mend or will grow together with tissue too fragile to bear the body's weight. Limbs can end up being different and shanks can grow warped, deforming the knee and ankle joints, nerves may be damaged too.
I'm going to express my own point of view about the technique of Chinese to grow up. From myself, the mentality of the Chinese society is absurd, I think it's not because people are small that they don't have the right to go at school, the right to work and the right to have a husband or wife and to marry. It's so stupid, your quality of work don't change if you are small or tall, the size does not matter.
The people are forced to do this operation and risk to never walk again properly, or damage their bones and shanks only for the beauty, only to have opportunities of work, or can marry, and go to school, so be a « normal person » at the eyes of chinese society.
To conclude, this operation is useful for the Chinese population obsessed by their sizes, the idea of being tall. This is the fault of high requierements for the jobs, husbands,wives and schools. The mentality of China forces to do this kind of operations, and take risks, endure extreme pain.