Designers babies
Résumé : Designers babies. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mcsasila1 • 17 Décembre 2020 • Résumé • 501 Mots (3 Pages) • 770 Vues
Good morning, my name is ….. and me my name is …… and today we are here to talk about the designer babies. For whose wondering what designer babies are : it is a recent technique of biology which consists in creating a future child thanks to scientific advances.
First of all i will be looking at the definition of the subject, then i will move into the technique we have choosen and finally we will finish by looking at the advantages and disavantages of designer babies.
Define the subject.
This technique allows you to create an ideal baby for parents. Parents can choose thanks to this technique
- the sex of their child
-physical characteristics such as eyes or hair color.
-to avoid a disease ( PGD) allows to detect the presence of possible genetic or chromosomal abnormalities in embryos conceived after in vitro fertilization.
I’d like to stress the fact that PGD PROCESS, PGD for preimplantation genetic diagnosis.The procedure for PGD is similar to that of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), with an extra step to check whether embryos are affected by a serious genetic condition
The first step is a collection of eggs from the ovaries, the second step is Insemination/injection of sperm then Fertilisation during PGD will be done by ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection : A single sperm is injected in the centre of an egg. This technique is used for conditions caused by a single faulty gene.
The third step is embryo biopsy and The cells are tested to see if the embryo from which they were removed contains the abnormality that causes the genetic condition. And at the end Only those embryos that do not have the specific genetic condition that was tested for will be transplanted into the woman’s uterus.
to choose the gender or the characteristics of the children, the technique used is also the PGD
However, testing is 98-99% accurate for most couples.
We have four advantages. - firt -second -third - fourth
We have three disadvantages -first -second -third
DIAPO 6 : Conclusion
This technique of biological programming is not allowed everywhere.
Indeed, in France it is only used to be able to detect diseases.
In the United Kingdoms it can be used to detect illnesses as well as to be able to choose the sex of your baby.
It is only in the United States that this practice can also be used to choose the physical characteristics of one's child (as well as the detection of the disease and the choice of sex).
question 1 . No, in France we can only use this technique to choose a child without disease
moi, personnellement je suis pour, mais juste pour detecter des maladies, sinon pour les cheveux, la couleur des yeux je suis contre et je trouve que ca pose des problemes d'etique
Personally, I am for, but just to detect diseases, if not for the hair, the color of the eyes I am against and I find that it poses ethical problems