Construction et expression de soi : l’enfance
Synthèse : Construction et expression de soi : l’enfance. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Mushuu_ • 2 Mai 2022 • Synthèse • 1 480 Mots (6 Pages) • 435 Vues
Construction et expression de soi 🡪 l’enfance
PROBLEMATIQUE : comment l’adulte exerce son influence durant l’enfance ?
How adult exert their influence during childhood
-en nous poussant a faire des choses que l’on ne veut pas forcement faire/ a assumer nos actes🡪by encouraging us to do things
- en nous inspirant🡪 by inspiring us
- en prenant soin de nous/ en nous négligeant 🡪 by taking care of us or not
By encouraging us to do things | Barn Owl Bd | Le père encourage sa fille à assumer ses actes Le père encourage le garçon à s’inscrire à un sport |
By inspiring us | Dead poet society TCI | Dans le script on voit clairement que les élèves admirent Mr Keating il est comme un modèle/un exemple. Il admire Sherlock Holmes ce qui le pousse à résoudre l’enquête et c’est grâce à ça qu’il se rend compte qu’il n’a pas à avoir peur et qu’il peut tout faire, |
By taking care of us or not | Harry potter TCI | La tante d’Harry Potter néglige Harry car ce n’est pas son fils, elle le prend pour sa bonne Le père prend soin de Christopher durant toutes les années ou la mère est parti ce qui fait qu’il se sent bien avec lui |
Œuvre integral 🡪 the curious incident of the dog in the night-time
Littéraire 🡪 poem Barn owl / Harry potter
Art visual 🡪 bd
Non littéraire 🡪 dead poet society
5 documents
Childhood is not a bed of roses, and adults play an important role in it. I selected 5 documents in which we can notice the relationship between adults and children. Document 1 is the illustration of the cover of the book the curious incident of the dog in the night-time written by Mark HADDON in 2003. Document 2 is a poem named Barn Owl by Gwen Harwood in 1969, Document 3 is an extract of the first chapter of the book Harry potter and the philosopher’s stone written by J.K. Rolling in 1997. Next, we have a Cartoon strip of Calvin and Hobbs by Bill Waterson and finally the script of the final scene of the movie Dead poet society realised by Peter Weir in 1989. In all these documents we can see the relationship between the adult and the child but How adult exert their influence during Childhood? I thought of 3 possible answers, by encouraging children to do somethings, by inspiring children or by taking care of the children or not.
First, Adults can exert their influence by encouraging children to do somethings, we can see that in documents 2 and 4. The poem talk about a little girl who have shoot at an owl, but she does not manage to kill it. She is watching the bird’s death throes when her father comes to her side to tell her to Kill the Owl, “end what you have begun” (line 36). Like we can see, the father pushes the little girl to fulfil her actions. He doesn’t do it by himself, but he forces the girl to do it alone. Thanks to this we understand that throughout the poem the girl grew up and matured. The father by encouraging her to kill the Owl he made the little girl grow up and made her think about her actions. The cartoon strip is about Calvin a little boy who enrolled in a sport, but he doesn’t want. At school he was teased for doesn’t see the point of having a competitive spirit and he would rather stay on his own whereas, his father insists on the benefits sport can bring. The father forces Calvin to play team sport in the 2nd frame because he thinks that it can teach teamwork and cooperation and teach how to win graciously and accept defeat. The father sees the benefits of the sport and want to show it to his son, but Calvin just wants to have fun. The influence is not exactly the same for the 2 documents, in the poem the little girl grew up and follow her father’s way but, in the cartoon strip the little boy is in opposition with his father and want to stay at a child. However, there is indeed an influence of the adult on the child’s actions.