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Bac anglais oral

Dissertation : Bac anglais oral. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Juin 2019  •  Dissertation  •  254 Mots (2 Pages)  •  669 Vues

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Hello. I am in the final year of my A-level course in electronic system. Later, I would like to be a computer technician.

I am here today to pass my English oral. I'm going to talk about the segregation in the United States.

In this english test I’m going to answer to the question : « Has the segregation disappeared ? »

first of all i am going to talk about the time before the segregation in the United States

secondly i am going to talk about the time after the segregation, so what happened after

and to finish if the segregation disappeared or not

- Before the segregation

There was Slavery of afro-americans people in United States and they were not accepted by white people.

In 1895 Abraham Lincoln, the president of United States at that time, signed the abolition of slavery

- After the segregation

Rosa Parks was a symbol for the fight of afro-americans in 1955

iN 1963 Martin Luther king a religious person do a some movements for the equality of afro americans and he say : I HAVE A DREAM

1964 the Civil Rights Act make outlaw the discrimination based on colors, origins and religion

2009 is barack obama becomes president of united States

THis is the first time that a president is black

this is a big step for equality in the United States

Has the segregation disappeared ?

In the end : Segregation continue because - of murder on black people by the police in the United States

end of my oral English test ! I hope you enjoyed it and it will be helpfull


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