Analyse de fight club dossier bac anglais oral
Fiche : Analyse de fight club dossier bac anglais oral. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Amandine All • 31 Octobre 2017 • Fiche • 455 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 462 Vues
Fight Club analyses
Fight Club is an american movie made by David Fincher, released in 1999 and adapted from the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, which was published in 1996. The stry's narrator is a man who finds little satisfaction in his job and his life in general, and created with the enigmatic Tyler Durden, an unconventionnal character, with whom he create the fight club, a club of clandestine fights, that allows to evacuate their discomfort by violence.
In the movie, fight club, is denounce the consumer society . The company create distress to the character by depriving the benchmarks that would allow him to forge an identity and pushes him to schizophrenia to feel able to get rid of this distress by granting an identity he has not. However, gradually as the film perception that the narrator of his own identity loses more and more its unity, to move towards a kind of matrix of impressions, feelings ... He starts to talk about him through Jack but Jack is not "I ". The narrator does not designate as Jack but as feelings or Jack bodies. It is placed inside his ego to decompose and dissociate . Throughout the film narrator is in constant search for identity , a search that takes many forms but mainly through the character of Tyler. He then leads a revolt to the material attachments and goes to a violent struggle against cultural norms leading to the man as a consumer . This passes in a denunciation of the feeling of freedom in which companies try to lock us and who harms individuals .When the two characters fight, early in the film , shortly after their meeting is to raise awareness not only the narrator but above the viewer , there are worse in life than material dramas.
When it create the fight club , it will take a political turn, creating a kind of totalitarian and fascist regime to fight and want to destroy the consumer society .
The revolt comes a kind of nihilism disgusted with the conformist society of great cultural poverty based on the TV and property justifies abandoning his human nature while masking the release. Tyler allows the narrator to become conscious of his own distaste for materialism exacerbated the sickening , twice then turns against what is the origin of neuroses and complexes which created it . The chaos led to the destruction of the towers project ( symbol again phallic ) large financial companies , the system bases against which fights Tyler and which he has deprived the members of Fight Club the essential elements of their deep humanity .the company can make a start where everything does not revolve around consumption but mostly money.