Modélisation de la vie EnzoA
Chronologie : Modélisation de la vie EnzoA. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar enzoA • 17 Septembre 2020 • Chronologie • 2 010 Mots (9 Pages) • 457 Vues
On a hight
Canada celebrates cannabis being legalized at five seconds past Midnight in Power, became the owner of the first gram of recreational cannabis to be sold in Canada. After waiting for hours in the cold, power strode excitedly into the only cannabis store open in St.. John's new found land and made his purchase. I think it's one of the biggest moments of my life, he told the crowd of reporters gathered to witness the transaction at the store. There's a tear in my eye, no more back alleys. Power said he intended to frame his purchase rather than smoke it. Three years after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected with a mandate to legalize marijuana, residents in Canada can now legally purchase the drug, putting an end to nearly a century of prohibition in the country. Banned in 1923, cannabis first became legal in 2001 when the government approved it for medicinal purposes only. There's no question the world is watching, the country's attorney general said at a press conference on Wednesday morning. The federal government also announced plans to pardon people convicted of previous minor marijuana convictions. A victory for campaigners who argued that prohibition unfairly targeted racial minorities. Cannabis sales will be governed by a confusing patchwork of sometimes contradictory provincial laws in Ontario, people will be free to smoke or vape marijuana anywhere they can legally consume tobacco. But in Manitoba, the penalty will be 672 dollars. But such concerns did little to temper giddy enthusiasm. Long lines marked the occasion in Halifax as residents flocked to the 12 government run stores in the province. Retailers across the country had previously warned of supply shortages leading up to legalization. I loaded up, Isaac, Longyear told the star Halifax, brandishing a purchase of 30 grams, the maximum legal amount for 344 Canadian dollars. Provinces have struggled to devise pricing strategies that will deter the black market, where the product can be cheaper. For years, illegal marijuana dispensaries have operated throughout the country, often requiring little more than Skype conversation with a doctor off site and a valid driver's license. It kind of has felt legal for the last 20 years anyway. Now I can just buy it legally. Charlie Gallie told the star Halifax as he left one of the province's cannabis stores in Nova Scotia. Many early purchasers said they hoped legalization would lead to a change in the perception of users. People need to stop thinking potheads are people who don't do anything in life, sit on the couch eating chips all day, Hugh Senecal told the CBC in Montreal. Even one of the country's largest newspapers got in on the action. The Globe and Mail posted an info graphic on how to roll a joint.
Adapted from The Guardian, October 2018.
Sur une hauteur.
Le Canada célèbre la légalisation du cannabis à. cinq secondes après Midnight in Power, est devenu le propriétaire du premier gramme de cannabis récréatif vendu au Canada. Après avoir attendu des heures dans le froid, le pouvoir est entré avec enthousiasme dans le seul magasin de cannabis ouvert à St. John's et a fait son achat. Je pense que c'est l'un des plus grands moments de ma vie, a-t-il déclaré à la foule de journalistes réunis pour assister à la transaction au magasin. Il y a une larme dans mes yeux, plus de ruelles. Power a déclaré qu'il avait l'intention d'encadrer son achat plutôt que de le fumer. Trois ans après l'élection du premier ministre Justin Trudeau avec le mandat de légaliser la marijuana, les résidents du Canada peuvent désormais acheter légalement le médicament, mettant ainsi fin à près d'un siècle d'interdiction dans le pays. Interdit en 1923, le cannabis est devenu légal pour la première fois en 2001 lorsque le gouvernement l'a approuvé à des fins médicales uniquement. Il ne fait aucun doute que le monde regarde, a déclaré le procureur général du pays lors d'une conférence de presse mercredi matin. Le gouvernement fédéral a également annoncé son intention de gracier les personnes reconnues coupables de condamnations antérieures mineures pour marijuana. Une victoire pour les militants qui ont soutenu que l'interdiction visait injustement les minorités raciales. Les ventes de cannabis seront régies par un patchwork déroutant de lois provinciales parfois contradictoires en Ontario, les gens seront libres de fumer ou de vapoter de la marijuana partout où ils peuvent légalement consommer du tabac. Mais au Manitoba, la pénalité sera de 672 dollars. Mais ces inquiétudes n'ont guère tempéré un enthousiasme étourdi. Les longues files d'attente ont marqué l'occasion à Halifax alors que les résidents affluaient vers les 12 magasins gouvernementaux de la province. Les détaillants à travers le pays avaient déjà mis en garde contre des pénuries d'approvisionnement menant à la légalisation. J'ai chargé, Isaac, a dit Longyear à la star d'Halifax, en brandissant un achat de 30 grammes, le montant légal maximum de 344 dollars canadiens. Les provinces ont eu du mal à concevoir des stratégies de prix qui dissuaderont le marché noir, où le produit peut être moins cher. Pendant des années, des dispensaires de marijuana illégaux ont fonctionné dans tout le pays, nécessitant souvent un peu plus qu'une conversation Skype avec un médecin hors site et un permis de conduire valide. De toute façon, cela semble légal depuis 20 ans. Maintenant, je peux simplement l'acheter légalement. Charlie Gallie a déclaré à la star Halifax alors qu'il quittait l'un des magasins de cannabis de la province en Nouvelle-Écosse. De nombreux premiers acheteurs ont déclaré espérer que la légalisation entraînerait un changement dans la perception des utilisateurs. Les gens doivent cesser de penser que les nénuphars sont des gens qui ne font rien dans la vie, s'assoient sur le canapé et mangent des chips toute la journée, a déclaré Hugh Senecal à la CBC à Montréal. Même l'un des plus grands journaux du pays a participé à l'action. Le Globe and Mail a publié un graphique d'information sur la façon de rouler un joint.
Adapté de The Guardian, octobre 2018.
Alexa and other smart speakers may endanger privacy rights.
Joe Walsh set up for Amazon Echo Voice controlled speakers in December. By May, he had pulled the plug on all four and stuffed them in a drawer. I don't see any way these devices won't be a privacy nightmare with the current lack of consumer protections, said Walsh. In many respects, our Constitution hasn't adapted to the realities of a digital life. We need a digital bill of rights. Walsh's actions reflect growing concerns over the implications of having voice enabled speakers, which are always listening in one way or another in homes. The issue came to a fall last month in Portland, Oregon, when an echo recorded a couple's conversation and emailed the audio to an acquaintance in Seattle. The devices are supposed to begin recording the conversation only in response to weak words like Alexa for the Echo. Okay, Google for the Google home and hey, Siri for Apple's home iPod. But they may be able to hear background conversations while activated. And in the Portland case, it appears that the device incorrectly thought it heard a trigger word and further heard the command to send the recorded conversation to someone on the couple's contact list. Amazon said the string of events was unlikely and said it would take steps to prevent future incidents. But ultimately, the device worked as designed. Proponents say the handsfree nature of smart speakers makes them easier to use than a computer or phone once activated, the smart speaker is designed to respond to a command like what's the weather in San Francisco? Or turn my bedroom lights on the device, then searches the Internet for the answer or signals the requested Wi-Fi connected device like the light switch. Although the Constitution does not explicitly spell out a right to privacy, consumers have a reasonable expectation of privacy inside their home, thanks to laws based on the Fourth Amendment's outlawing of unlawful search and seizure, as well as federal and state electronic recording and wire trap statutes. Recent news about the Facebook Cambridge Analytica data privacy scandal and newly enacted European online privacy regulations should make consumers step back and consider whether the convenience is worth the risk. A law school professor said these devices seeped into everyone's lives without a level of cost benefit analysis that we should have had. The act of buying and installing a smart device, as with using a social network, could mean people are agreeing to a company's terms of service. These companies wish to sell you things, the co-director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology said. They do not wish you well. Do you really want the privacy of your home to depend on a corporation's terms of service?