Why is fast fashion unfair?
Compte rendu : Why is fast fashion unfair?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar dariii • 12 Mars 2023 • Compte rendu • 456 Mots (2 Pages) • 312 Vues
Present the unfairness of fast fashion on the program Fast Fashion Spot
Hi everyone, I hope you’re well. Welcome to Fast Fashion Spot. As usual, I will talk about fast fashion in less than two minutes and today we will focus on its unfairness. Why is fast fashion unfair?
First of all, in few words, Fast fashion refers to a movement of brands that produce clothing very quickly, very often, and for cheap. Fast fashion is a polluting industry very voracious in energy, human resources, and raw materials.
While we are consumers and we buy clothes without thinking, without looking at the cost and expenses, because it makes us happy and complete, people are paying the price. They are garment workers exploited in sweatshops. Indeed, these persons are employed at inhumanly wages and are treated in very poor conditions; they are overworked and work more than 14 hours a day, they are subjected to violence and do not always have access to care, like women who do not have access to maternity care, which is extremely cruel, especially since they can be sexually abused, harassed... Moreover, these industries cause many deaths of these workers, without really caring, as if their lives were insignificant. Also, they work in conditions that are also dangerous for their health, they handle chemicals and carcinogens, without protection and all day long. In short, their rights are violated and ignored, their wages are insufficient for their work and all the self-giving they show. Also, even very young children are employed in this work, it is almost slavery. Apart from the negative consequences for workers, the environment is also affected, as chemicals and toxins pollute the surrounding water, stream, rivers, and soil, while these industries produce a lot of greenhouse gases. 60% of all the clothes are landfilled or burned every year. In fact, textile industry emits more greenhouse gas emissions than international shipping and aviation combined. According to several reports, it’s the second dirtiest industry in the world.
In addition, toxic chemicals used to create vibrant colours can enter in our bodies through our skin and garment workers are already harmed.
Well, the injustice of fast fashion must be highlighted in the world because some people are exploited and poorly paid for their work because brands want to sell cheap clothing in as little time as possible, but their health, safety and quality standards are sacrificed in favour of clothing that are today in overconsumption and a lot is burned. Finally, this injustice is not limited to developing countries; it also affects developed countries such as England, it can be close to us.
Well, it’s the end of this fashion program and I hope I’ve made as many people as possible aware. Have a nice day, goodbye.