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Vocabulaire Anglais BTS dissertations et mémoires


8 164 Vocabulaire Anglais BTS dissertations gratuites 676 - 700 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 24 Juin 2015
  • Facteurs du marché du logement américain (document en anglais)

    Facteurs du marché du logement américain (document en anglais)

    The Housing Market in USA : Introduction : If there was any doubt that the housing market was undergoing a recovery, even a modest one in the face of the terrible 2008 decline, those doubts should be erased by now. Recent housing data has indicated that the years of falling property prices in the US may finally be over. (Appendice: 1) A key measure of the health of the housing market comes out later and

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais: rapport de stage, stage ayant eu lieu dans l'entreprise Orange Business Services

    Anglais: rapport de stage, stage ayant eu lieu dans l'entreprise Orange Business Services

    1. Introduction I found the job where I am currently working thanks to the school. The training center sent my application to a lot of partner. A week later, a manager of Orange Business Services (O.B.S.) Agency called me to fix an appointment. A few days later, the same manager told me that she agreed to integrate me into the company as a trainee. I started working in September and my integration was really good.

    847 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Hurricane Sandy (étude de cet ouragan en anglais)

    Hurricane Sandy (étude de cet ouragan en anglais)

    Hurricane Sandy was the largest Atlantic hurricane on record, as well as the second-costliest Atlantic hurricane in history, only surpassed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The eighteenth named storm and tenth hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, Hurricane Sandy devastated portions of the Caribbean, Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States in late October 2012.[4][5] Sandy is estimated in early calculations to have caused damage of at least $20 billion (2012 USD).[6] Preliminary estimates of losses

    393 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Une histoire de famille (document en anglais)

    Une histoire de famille (document en anglais)

    In this text we read about the history of a family who had to leave their homeland situated in Kashmir on reason of the British Empire, who had conquered and parted their land of origin. The main person of the text, Farocq, was thirteen years old when his family had to leave Kashmir for Great Britain. Although Farouq had to go to work when he was very young, he succeeded brilliantly in business and become

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bioéthanol (document en anglais)

    Bioéthanol (document en anglais)

    A specific relationship between the combined level of furfural and HMF and the rate of ethanol production with Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified in a study done by Taherzadeh et al. (1997). This study supported the same trend outlined in the other studies mentioned previously by showing the inhibition of the yeast beyond the furfural and HMF concentration of 1 g/L. An equation for this relationship was approximated from a diagram in the publication using Microsoft

    482 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Economie BTS Tertiaire: Analyse d’une situation économique

    Economie BTS Tertiaire: Analyse d’une situation économique

    Analyse d’une situation économique 1) Représentez graphiquement les courbes d’offres et de demandes correspondant au cas décrit par le tableau (doc 15). Que représente le point de concours de ces deux courbes ? Le point de rencontre de ces deux courbes indique le prix d’équilibre, c'est-à-dire le prix qui satisfait offreur et demandeur, soit ici 300. 2) Analysez les réactions qu’auraient les offreurs et les demandeurs si le prix était d’abord moins élevés et ensuite

    494 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Argumentation sur l'amour (document en anglais)

    Argumentation sur l'amour (document en anglais)

    Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment.[1] Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection —"the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another".[2] Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. [3] In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal

    216 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Demande de stage en anglais

    Demande de stage en anglais

    Dear Madam, Dear Sir, I am a student at Paris Business School of Management, France. In addition, all my classes are taught in English. As part of requirements of the first year of my Business Studies, I must complete a three-month work placement abroad between 30 May and 31 August. I would like to take advantage of this Internship to develop my knowledge and at the same time, learn the working methods of foreign country.

    259 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les affaires dans le monde arabe (document en anglais)

    Les affaires dans le monde arabe (document en anglais)

    Introduction Business in the Arab world is easy if you are ready to follow some rules. The main rule is to adjust to timings and being patient. Arab world has always offered many opportunities to conduct business. There are better facilities and infrastructure now with banks, financial institutions and branch offices of many companies established there. The business opportunities are now improving as the world is getting connected better with more opportunities for sealing deals

    419 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse de Social Local Mobil (document en anglais)

    Analyse de Social Local Mobil (document en anglais)

    Social. Local. Mobile. These are the sweeping trends in marketing today and for the foreseeable future. In terms of media consumption, they’ve come to dominate consumer attention. In terms of targeting and communication, they’ve opened dynamic new channels. In terms of data and measurement, they are nothing short of revolutionary. And in terms of technology, they are disrupting entire industries. While each is a powerful force unto itself, the focus of this paper is on

    650 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Écriture Personnelle BTS 2012

    Écriture Personnelle BTS 2012

    Phénomène éminemment social, le rire amène à en questionner l'objet et les enjeux. Telle est l'inspiration de ce corpus qui se compose de quatre textes issus d'essais publiés entre le dix-septième et le vingt-et-unième siècle. Le premier document donne pour ainsi dire la tonalité du corpus : il est extrait du Rire, Essai sur la signification du comique, publié en 1899 par Henri Bergson. Le deuxième document est non moins célèbre : intitulé "De la

    1 158 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Le tourisme (document en anglais)

    Le tourisme (document en anglais)

    Tourism has turned out to be a very important industry in the modern age. In almost all the countries of the world there are separate ministries of tourism. Tourist spots are being developed all over the world to attract the tourists. Tourism is, indeed, a good source of earning foreign exchange for every country that can manage it efficiently. All over the world there is a great interaction between People of different countries, races, communities,

    221 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Lettre De Motivation Anglais

    Lettre De Motivation Anglais

    Marie Lefevre 36 rue des bois 21000 Dijon Monday, September 10th 2012 Edward Smithson Napket 61-63 Picadilly London Widjody Tel : 02830633 For the attention of the Human ressources manager Dear Sir, Application letter Within the framework of my studies 3 years ago, I did a 6 week long internship in the accounting department of Napket firm. I have been working as a manager assistant in a French delicatessen medium sized firm “L’éveil

    200 Mots / 1 Pages
  • BTS MUC: le Moulin de la Cassadotte

    BTS MUC: le Moulin de la Cassadotte

    1- Les finalités du Moulin de la Cassadotte sont la production de caviar Français de haut de gamme, et la préservation de l’espèce l’esturgeon en Gironde. Ce groupe souhaite être le premier producteur de caviar Français, et développer sa gamme internationalement. 2- D’après l’analyse de Joseph Schumpeter, un entrepreneur doit agir même s’il manque de données en vue de son action, et doit faire preuve de créativité. Jean-Pascal FERAY et Anthony DANNO son associé, sont

    213 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Les services financiers en Afrique (document en anglais et français)

    Les services financiers en Afrique (document en anglais et français)

    Banking Services in Africa Liberalization Should Continue L’étude réalisée par Dhafer Saïdane analyse les effets de la libéralisation des services financiers et de ses corollaires qui sont leur privatisation et leur consolidation, sur le secteur bancaire africain. Tous les pays ne sont pas parvenus au même niveau dans ce mouvement, comme le montrent les cas plus particulièrement décrits du Maghreb, du Togo, du Nigeria et de la Libye. La question est de savoir si la

    475 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Analyse de la compagnie Novagro (document en anglais)

    Analyse de la compagnie Novagro (document en anglais)

    Analysis Of Novagro NOVAGRO’s situation in its environment – Mr. Leon, director and founder of NOVAGRO, markets and manufactures agricultural machinery divided into five product families. 1. VIGN- Tractors for upscale wine and vine 2. HORT- Specific Machinery for Horticulture 3. CHIM-Supplies of Fertilizers (Chemical) 4. NATU- Trailers for spreading natural fertilizers 5. NEGO-Materials to aid negotiation It currently employs 400 people and sells 2,700 machines per year. Its turnover is grossed at 33 million

    2 069 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Analyse du service de réseaux social Google+ (document en anglais)

    Analyse du service de réseaux social Google+ (document en anglais)

    Google+ Google+ is a multilingual social networking and identity service owned and operated by Google Inc. It was launched in June 28, 2011. As of September 2012, it has a total of 400 million registered users of whom 100 million are active on a monthly basis. Unlike other conventional social networks which are generally accessed through a single website, Google has described Google+ as a "social layer" consisting of not just a single site, but

    335 Mots / 2 Pages
  • BTS MUC: la retraite

    BTS MUC: la retraite

    Cible Pour tous les clients qui souhaitent se constituer un capital en toute sérénité, le valoriser sur les marchés financiers ou préparer leur retraite en toute tranquillité. Prix VERSEMENT FRAIS # Versement initial 500 € minimum ou 45 € si des versements réguliers sont mis en place. # Versements libres 500 € minimum # Versements Réguliers mensuels : 45 € minimum - trimestriels : 135 € minimum - semestriels : 270 € minimum - annuels

    670 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Vocabulaire Stss

    Vocabulaire Stss

    Vocabulaire: Le droit à la santé : Le droit à la santé permet à tout individu d'avoir accès à des systèmes de santé, de soins sans que son origine raciale,ses convictions politiques,sa croyance et sa situation éconnomique ne rendre en compte.Le but de ce droit est d'amener la population au meilleur état de santé possible. L'épidémiologie: c'est une science qui étudie la fréquence,la répartition d'un problème de santé dans la population et qui détermine les

    1 667 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Analyse du produit Red Bull (document en anglais)

    Analyse du produit Red Bull (document en anglais)

    The marketing mix explains the overall marketing decisions that a firm have to make relative to the different products it will produce (Product), the place where the product will be sold (Place), the different ways – direct marketing, advertisement, free samples.. – a product will be promoted (Promotion), and the price strategy to achieve the best profitability for the company (Price). Red Bull was invented in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian entrepreneur who discovered

    395 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Les journaux américains (document en anglais)

    Les journaux américains (document en anglais)

    American newspapers Introduction Newspapers are the traditional support of information so I will introduce some American newspapers. There are two types of logs: national newspapers and local newspapers. There are only two national newspapers while each state has one or more newspapers. So regional newspapers outnumber newspapers at the federal level. I/ National newspapers. Only two national newspapers. • USA Today: Founded by Allen Neuharth as an alternative newspaper, it was launched in 1982. Sometimes

    680 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Sujet BTS Blanc Infoplus

    Sujet BTS Blanc Infoplus

    BTS BLANC ASSISTANT DE MANAGER EPREUVE : DOPS SUJET  LA MISE EN SITUATION PROFESSIONNELLE L'entreprise Nom : INFOPLUS Activité : Construction et assemblage de matériels informatiques Statut juridique : SAS Chiffre d'affaires N : 80 MILLIONS d’euros (en croissance régulière depuis 10 ans) Clientèle : Environ 3000 ; des entreprises utilisatrices de l’outil informatique, des grossistes et des revendeurs de matériels informatique. Capital social : 150 000 euros Effectif : 250 salariés Siège social

    1 827 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Analyse d'une chaîne de restaurants Outback Steakhouse (document en anglais)

    Analyse d'une chaîne de restaurants Outback Steakhouse (document en anglais)

    Background: The creation of Outback Steakhouse dated back to 1988 thanks to its creators: Chris Sullivan, Bob Basham and Tim Gannon. That year, they opened their first two steak restaurants in Tampa, Florida. They were experienced in this type of business because they attended Stake & Ale’s trainee program and they experienced success through owning franchise operations. The timing of this launch didn’t seem good because the American consumption of meat was declining at that

    1 412 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Biographie de Norman Rockwell (document en anglais)

    Biographie de Norman Rockwell (document en anglais)

    Norman Rockwell was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. He was born third february, 1894 and died November 8, 1978. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American cultureNorman Rockwell's style has been described as storyteller I will now begin the description and analysis of work Triple Self-Portrait. It was painted in 1960 for the cover of Saturday Evening. We see the artist's back, sitting on a

    462 Mots / 2 Pages
  • L'Orientalisme d'Edward Said (document en anglais)

    L'Orientalisme d'Edward Said (document en anglais)

    Mehdi October 13h, 2012 Edward Said’s Orientalism The theory of power that I chose to focus on is Edward Said’s Orientalism. This paper will define Orientalism and discuss its roots and its usefulness to Orientalists as a tool of power and domination. It will also provide a description of American Orientalism, and show how it is different from European Orientalism. This paper will then analyze the importance of Orientalism as a theory, and compare it

    1 727 Mots / 7 Pages