Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations et mémoires
4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 476 - 500 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Idea of progress : the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their emancipation ?
IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction : I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. We can define the notion of progress as an improvement or a development technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate my notion, I’m going to speak about the place of women in the society. We will think about the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their
497 Mots / 2 Pages -
The idea of progress : how have women improved their living conditions and struggle for equality during the Sixties?
THE IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction First, I will define the notion of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. A technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Socialy speaking, it means less discrimination and more equality. This year, we studied several documents about the idea of progress. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about
846 Mots / 4 Pages -
How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population?
How agriculture can respond to environmental issues and to the increasing of the population? “Live as though you’ll die tomorrow, but farm as though you’ll live forever”, this quote of John Marsden makes us aware of the importance of sustainability in agriculture. Agriculture is a set of practices which aims to produce food and other useful resources for societies. It is important to underline that by agriculture one takes into account at the same time
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How to clothe oneself and allow the education of one's children when one is in need?
It is undeniable that the world is getting richer over time, that is a fact. Man is now able to become richer, and then to enjoy his wealth, in pleasant and luxurious comfort. It is undeniable, the quality, the standard of living of the rich is increasing and improving. This is called progress. I am not against progress, on the contrary, progress is a promise towards a better future. But neither can it be denied,
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How do the common past events of Scotland and England help to understand the complex relationships of today?
Scotland in the UK The new King of England recalled from his appointment the very close ties of England with Scotland. It thus underlines the importance of Scotland within the United Kingdom. Scotland is a region that is part of the United Kingdom, which also includes Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital is Edinburgh. Scotland Coptic more than 800 islands and is therefore the 2nd largest territory of the United Kingdom. Its population corresponds to
1 487 Mots / 6 Pages -
How Napoléon III industrialized France and answered the social question
Napoleon III's Industrialization jeanmich mich comment Napoléon 3 industrialise t'il la France et répond t-il a la question social ? Napoléon III, who ruled France from 1852 to 1870, played a significant role in industrializing the country and attempting to address social issues. During his reign, Napoléon III introduced a series of economic policies that aimed to modernize and industrialize France. He encouraged the development of railroads, canals, and other infrastructure projects, which helped to
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What critique of society does Kurt Vonnegut convey through the satire "Harrison Bergeron," and how do the characters develop this message?
Harrison Bergeron What critique of society does Kurt Vonnegut convey through the satire "Harrison Bergeron," and how do the characters develop this message? He is trying to convey the message that even though humans try to build a society in which everyone is equal, we will fail to accomplish it because this action will not make our society a better one, instead, it will make it even worse than if it was an unequal society
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How to understand and prevent the process of jihadist radicalisation in today’s Europe ?
HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND PREVENT THE PROCESS OF JIHADIST RADICALISATION IN TODAY’S EUROPE ? Essay Economic Political Science Written by Romane Comte 2018 ________________ Table of contents Introduction I. A suitable and efficient process, difficult to understand A) The causes of radicalisation B) The Radicalisation Process : how to understand it in order to prevent it II. How to set up efficient measures in Europe A) Inspiring and promising European models B) European measures are
3 020 Mots / 13 Pages -
How do the texts Indiana et Phaedra explore and question the relationship between gender and power in society ?
How do the texts Indiana et Phaedra explore and question the relationship between gender and power in society? La représentation de la relation entre genre et pouvoir dans la société a pris des formes variées en littérature au cours des siècles alors que la perpétuation des valeurs patriarcales est presque intemporelle, et se retrouve chez Racine ou Sand, comme elle se retrouve encore parfois trop souvent dans nos mœurs actuelles. Au XVII siècle, chez Racine,
2 234 Mots / 9 Pages -
Article review : How to deal with the slow-down in International law-making for outer space ?
Interdisciplinary Research: Law and Politics Article review : How to deal with the slow-down in International law-making for outer space ? A law and political article review of Danilenko G. (2016) “International law-making for outer space” Space law, 37, 179-183, The author of the article, Danilenko Gennady, is a professor at the Institute of State and Law, USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In addition to writing on space law, he is also interested
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How do religious conflicts manifest in contemporary America, and what role do they play in shaping social and political divisions within the country ?
Press review Problematic : How do religious conflicts manifest in contemporary America, and what role do they play in shaping social and political divisions within the country ? In today's America, we're asking a big question: How do fights about religion show up, and how much do they mess with how we get along and do politics? This review is all about digging into that question, looking at how religious tensions mix with how people
1 155 Mots / 5 Pages -
How do institutional biases and the growing influence of the Supreme Court in the American political system limit democratic representation and progressive reforms in an increasingly polarized country?
DM ANGLAIS CIVI “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the face of the earth.” These words uttered by Abraham Lincoln in 1863, in the midst of a civil war tearing our America apart, symbolize the democratic ideal to which every nation aspires. Yet, on the eve of the 2024 presidential election, this ideal seems to be wavering. As Vox's article “The nightmare facing Democrats, even if Harris
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The Princess And The Pea
Once upon a time there was a Prince who wanted to marry a princess, but he wanted to marry a real princess. He Travelled all over the world to find one, but he didn't find real princess, even if they were beautiful. One evening a terrible storm came on, there was thunder and lightning. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate , the king was going to open ... The king was shoked
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What is the best relation that should exist between teachers and students ?
At the present time and since we’ve entered the twenty first century along with the progress of education a new problem emerged on the surface concerning teachers and students relationship. This relation has become tense. so WHY such a tense relation IN OUR SCHOOLS? AND WHAT IS THE BEST RELATION THAT SHOULD exist BETWEEN TEACHERS AND STUDENTS? In this essay I will try to know the causes and the consequences of this problem. Nowadays the
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When, Where And How Are Social Media Important For Political Change ?
Generally, social media do not create a popular debate : a person who is just involved in a cause on the internet will have few chances to raise the issue to the political sphere. This does not mean that social media are useless. They are a way to spread information or a specific opinion, and can be important if there is no other media doing this. Social media are also accountable because they help to
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The Leader-Member Exchange Theory
The Leader-Member Exchange Theory first appeared in the 1970s. It analyzes the relationship between managers and team members. Leadership is one of the primary areas of study, research, and practice in organizational behavior. Leaders often develop relationships with each member of the group that they lead, and leader–member exchange theory explains how those relationships with various members can develop in unique ways. Team members typically go through three phases in their relationship with their manager:
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Sherman Alexie, The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven
Intro) Sherman Alexie, was born in October 1966. He grew up on the Indian Reservation in Wellpinit in Washington State. Poet, novelist, and screenwriter, Sherman Alexie won different prices like the 2007 Western Literature Association's Distinguished Achievement Award and the 2003 Regents' Distinguished Alumnus Award. He lives with his family in Seattle. This text is an extract from The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven published by Atlantic Monthly Press in 1993. Mini look
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Résumé How To Master The Art Of Selling ? CHAP 1&2
How to master the art of selling ? 1-Qu'est ce que le métier de la vente réellement ? Réussir est un investissement personnel en temps, en argent Il faut voir la vente comme un challenge de tous les jours dans lequel il faut rester positif, les seules limites que l'on a sont celles que l'on se fixe, on peut être qui on veux On ne naît pas « excellent vendeur » cela s'apprend » Un excellent vendeur doit : Faire de
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Leadership And The Fate Of Organizations
Leadership and the Fate of Organizations Robert B. Kaiser Kaplan DeVries Inc. Robert Hogan Hogan Assessment Systems S. Bartholomew Craig North Carolina State University and Kaplan DeVries Inc. This article concerns the real-world importance of leadership for the success or failure of organizations and social institutions. The authors propose conceptualizing leadership and evaluating leaders in terms of the performance of the team or organization for which they are responsible. The authors next offer a taxonomy
8 107 Mots / 33 Pages -
Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets
Yoram Barzel, Measurement Cost and the Organization of Markets, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Avril, 1982), pp. 27-42. Yoram Barzel introduit la nécessité de prendre en compte les coûts liés à l’obtention de l’information sur les produits dans le cadre des échanges marchands (coûts de mesures). A travers divers exemples, l’auteur présente les problèmes de mesures excessives (vérifications excessives, catégorisation des marchandises, sélections) qui surviennent généralement sur les marchés de biens
1 262 Mots / 6 Pages -
Liquidity And Asset Pricing: Evidence From The Hong Kong Stock Market
1. Introduction Investors face liquidity risk when they transfer ownership of their securities. Therefore, investors consider liquidity to be an important factor when making their investment decisions. Amihud and Mendelson (1986) find a positive return-illiquidity relation. Since that study, many other researchers continue to investigate the return-illiquidity (liquidity) relation, but evidence over the past two decades is generally inconsistent and mixed.1 Amihud (2002) shows that there is a significant relation between liquidity and expected stock
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The London Stock Exchange
The London Stock Exchange is one of the world’s oldest stock exchanges and can trace its history back more than 300 years. Starting life in the coffee houses of 17th century London, the Exchange quickly grew to become the City’s most important financial institution. Over the centuries following, the Exchange has consistently led the way in developing a strong, well-regulated stock market and today lies at the heart of the global financial community. After Gresham's
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Tesco and the organic market
Tesco and the organic market Contents Introduction I. Market environment analysis II. Tesco’s organics food resource capability analysis III. Strategic fit analysis Introduction Tesco is the leading retailer in the United Kingdom, and one of the largest food retailers in the world. It however is not just limited to the food market and has expanded into areas such as electrical goods and clothing. Tesco has its headquarters in Hertfordshire and employs about 318,300 people. The
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The Maltese Island and The capital city of " La Valette "
The Maltese Island and The capital city of « La Valette ». Geography and general informations Malta ( officially the Republic of Malta) is a Southern European country consisting of an archipelago situated in the centre of the Mediterranean, 80 km south of Sicily, 284 km east of Tunisia and 333 km north of Libya. Malta covers just over 316 km^2 and It is also one of the most densely populated countries The country has
1 511 Mots / 7 Pages -
Science and technology
Science and technology Surface texture Texture (roads), road surface characteristics with waves shorter than road roughness Texture (cosmology), theoretical topological defect in the structure of spacetime Texture (crystalline), material's individual crystallites sharing some degree of orientation Texture (geology), physical appearance or character of a rock Texture mapping, bitmap image applied to a surface in computer graphics Soil texture, relative proportion of grain sizes of a soil [edit] Arts Texture (painting), feel of the canvas based
243 Mots / 1 Pages