Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations et mémoires
4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 401 - 425 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Myths and heroes : how do heroes have an impact on our society ?
To start my presentation about myths and heroes, i will speak about the notion and also define it. the myth evoke the human condition as a whole, and its story transmitted orally is then transmitted by a hero, a place or a community. It can be a popular belief. The hero can be real or fictive, a mythological figure, an icon, a superhero, who has marked history and traditions. Every period of time create some
425 Mots / 2 Pages -
Myths and heroes : are the cowboys from before are the same as today ?
INTRODUCTION We will present the notion “myths and heroes”. To begin with, let’s try to give a definition of the word “hero”. In my opinion, a hero is firstly someone who is the principal character in a novel, film, play etc, as well as being who is endowed with extraordinary strength, courage and fortitude. But a hero can also be a person who has braved death, risked or sacrificed his life for others. Or a
411 Mots / 2 Pages -
Myths and heroes : how can heroes influence people's careers ?
Myth and heroes A myth is a story which explains the origin of humanity/of a society or of a community. Everybody knows this story which represents the human values which unite human beings/a society/ a community .Each society, community has its own myths which give a universal message about human values for example,in America the myth of The American Dream / the myth of the self-made man "from rags to riches" myth. A hero is
805 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and heroes : how are american soldiers portrayed as hereos in war movies ?
So today, I’m going to introduce you the notion of myth and heroes thanks to a topic studied in class « war on screen ». To begin, like to state a short definition of this notion. A myth is an idealized representation of a character, a historic event A hero the hero is as much a reality as a social construction, hovering between legend and reality. The hero can be someone who is admired for his noble
638 Mots / 3 Pages -
Essay on the treatment of sexuality and desire in "Wuthering Heights" (Brontë) and "Tess of the D’Urbervilles" (Hardy)
‘Sex…in [Victorian literature] is not banished but driven underground, to merge in perverted and inhibited forms’. In the light of this quotation, discuss the treatment of sexuality and desire in Victorian literature. Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles (published in 1891) and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Height (published in 1847), both feature themes of class inequality, gender politics and the danger of desire. Desire and sexuality play a key role in Tess of the D'Urbervilles, especially
2 904 Mots / 12 Pages -
Documents and procédures for the creation of a firm in Morocco
EL ASRI EL HASSAN Documents and procedures for the creation of a firm in Morocco In the sake of the development of the Moroccan economy, the government encourages to invest in multiple fields, allowing a further advancement in the country’s revenues. One way to do so is by creating a firm inside the Moroccan territory, which needs a certain procedure and formalities to allow the practice of whatever activities aimed by the created firm. The
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Idea of progress : How does modern technology affect today’s society? Has it only positive effects?
IDEA OF PROGRESS I’m going to present the notion “idea of progress”, which can be defined as the question of moving on and evolving, making the world a better place by the contribution of an improvement, a technical, scientific or social advance. To illustrate this notion, I decided to focus on the new technologies that have marked the modern world and have taken an essential part in people’s day-to-day lives. Therefore, I would like to
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Myths and heroes : how can a common person become myth or heroe ?
The notion I'm going to deal with is myths and heroes. To begin, a hero is someone who has qualities or who realize great actions. I would like to illustrate the definition of this notion through the theme of segregation heroes. We may wonder how common person can become myth or heroe ? In order to answer this question, i will speak in first time to Ruby Bridges story and in second time to
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Myths and heroes : is the American dream a dream or a nightmare ?
Notion 1 : Myths and Heroes The notion we studied in class is : myths and heroes. But we’ve only worked on the part of the myths. A myth can be a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of the society, like the American dream. The issue raised here is, is this American dream a dream or a nightmare ? To answer this question we studied 3 documents in class . The
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Myth and heroes : How far does cowboys can be considered as Heroes? How does cowboys embody Ameriacain Values?
Myth and heroes A hero is an ordinary man or woman who has done extraordinary things. They do not need to be tall or strong. It is the way they have behaved to save someone or to make a difference that makes them heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes. I am going to speak about an American figure wich is the cowboy. And the questions that we
446 Mots / 2 Pages -
REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN Ministère Des Enseignements Secondaires De La Formation Technique Et Professionnel, De La Reconversion Et De L’Insertion Des Jeunes COMPLEXE SCOLAIRE SAINT MATHIEU 1 Matière : Anglais Classe : 4ème M1 THEME : Présenté par: Dirigé par : 1. ABDOUL Mohamed Hac Mr TOGAN Anselm 2. AGBAYAHOUN Joyce 3. BOKPE Bénédicta 4. HOUNTON Débora 5. SOSSOU Amandine Année académique : 2017–2018 PLAN ─INTRODUCTION ─CORPS DU DEVOIR ▪Give the definition of internet ▪Give the
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Myths and Heroes : Is the suburban dream a utopia or a dystopia ? A dream or a nightmare?
Introduction : The notion I'm going to deal with is Myths and Heroes. First, let me define those terms : myth refers to a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society (here the American dream and so the suburban dream) and the term hero refers to the main character in a literary or dramatic work. Is the suburban dream a utopia or a dystopia ? A dream or a nightmare?
1 257 Mots / 6 Pages -
Spaces ans exchanges
SPACE AND EXCHANGES I’m going to introduce the notion of space and exchanges. Exchanges refer to one or several people who give or receive. There are a lot of exchanges : commercial, financial, cultural, migratory. Space refer to a place, to a geogrphical and symbolic area where exchanges can take place. The different interactions like cultural, economic, sociological and langage have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. To illustrate this notion, I choose to speak
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Fracking in the US: Standpoints, balance of trade and contribution to the country’s GDP
Table of contents 1. What is fracking? 2 2. Points of view about hydraulic fracturing 3 2.1 Supporters of hydraulic fracturing 3 2.2 Detractors of hydraulic fracturing 4 3. Production of natural gas and balance of trade 6 4. COntribution to the country’s GDP 8 5. Conclusions 9 6. REferences 11 1. What is fracking? Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a technique to extract fossil fuels, being them shale oil and shale gas,
2 765 Mots / 12 Pages -
Anglais spaces and echanges
Fiche n°1 : Spaces and exchanges Today, i'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges which includes the territories , the notion of border between different country ( like with the border which seperates Mexico from the United States ). This notion highlights the exchanges amoung coutries and an important subject : the immigration. Right now, in the United States, there is a lots of exchanges who are very different from each other
902 Mots / 4 Pages -
Myths and heroes : how do myths and heroes deal with different themes impacting our society?
ANNIBAL Béatrice TS3 Fiche Notion: Myths and Heroes A myth is a story or a legend about gods, heroes or kings. The myth of a superhero is a story about a hero coming from popular culture. A hero is a person who is admired for his courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be a fictional character who has super power (which we would call a superhero), or it can be a real and
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Myths and Heroes : How important heroes are ?
Myths and Heroes How important heroes are ? "Being a hero is about the shortest lived profession on earth." Will Rogers (1879-1935) In this quote, Rogers tell that the heroism is something extremely ephemeral because it depends of the people attraction for your feats and there will be always someone more attractive. The popularity is especially short nowadays with the Internet and the information which is going faster than ever. First you can see heroes
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Myths and heroes : how do myths change wih time ?
Myths and heroes The notion I am going to deal with is « Myths and heroes ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : Myth allows us to study the human condition through the figure of heroes, places or communities. The study of the stories and heroes of myths thus makes it possible to probe a collective identity. The myth is also temporally anchored in an era: in the
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Myths and heroes : Can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History ?
The notion I am going to deal with is « Myth and Heroes ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on wich social values are often based, while a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifised his or her life in order to make thinks evolved positivly. Myth and heroes indeed have always marked societies. Some were created whereas others are
1 785 Mots / 8 Pages -
Identities and exchanges
Identities and exchanges Definition : Identities and exchanges : The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you. An example of identity is a person’s name. The axis also deals with the interactions between men. Vocab : Living spaces : Les lieux de vie A business park : Une zone commerciale / Downtown : Le centre-ville
3 211 Mots / 13 Pages -
Art and Power : How can British social movie influence society? (LLCE)
ROZBORSKI Tatiana 1ERE2 11/03/2021 Art can be depicted as anything as it is a non-concrete idea, it is up to anyone meaning of what is it. All along my written expression, I will present the double aspect of what art, and by art I will take the example of the cinema, can do, firstly, such as to entertain then, secondly, to denounce. Do you think that art should be useful and try to change society,
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2 angry men - Examining debate skills and techniques in the movie
TLLCE – Project 1 Equality on a trial Step 2- 12 angry men - Examining debate skills and techniques in the movie How To Change One's Mind yrXk5keF5tJ3NNAadIySFw Watch the video and read the script as you do: highlight what you think are the most important part of the video and be ready to answer the question raised by the video (that is to say : how do you get to change someone’s mind?)
2 046 Mots / 9 Pages -
How the artist denounce the restrictions of women’s rights ?
“Comment les artistes dénoncent les restrictions des droits des femmes” “How the artist denounce the restrictions of women’s rights?” I- women in the art-world : the XX century For many years, in a world where men dominate, women all around the world have been fighting to get the rights they deserve, to get the equality. Before the twentieth century, women artists struggled to participate in the male-dominated art world. Along with the educational limitations, female
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“Brave Blue world and Planet of the Humans analysis “
“Brave Blue world and Planet of the Humans analysis “ In class with had the chance to watch these two documentaries that are total opposites in my opinion. “Planet of The Humans”. This documentary is a 2019 American environmental documentary written, directed, and produced by Jeff Gibbs. The documentary was executively produced by Michael Moore.The tone used here is negative and pessimistic, it presents bleak picture of the current state of the world and the
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The rise and fall of the American Mall: Video
The rise and fall of the American Mall: Video Watch the video Then answer the questions or fill in missing words in sentences. 1. How do American Malls look like today? Find three adjectives to define them. 2. When and why were American Malls created? …......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. What is the state of the American Mall today? It has either …................................ or is on …....... …..................... to do so. 4. In the years …............... there
507 Mots / 3 Pages