Spaces ans exchanges
Compte rendu : Spaces ans exchanges. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar F4B10 • 11 Novembre 2019 • Compte rendu • 517 Mots (3 Pages) • 625 Vues
I’m going to introduce the notion of space and exchanges. Exchanges refer to one or several people who give or receive. There are a lot of exchanges : commercial, financial, cultural, migratory. Space refer to a place, to a geogrphical and symbolic area where exchanges can take place. The different interactions like cultural, economic, sociological and langage have shaped and characterized our modern-day world. To illustrate this notion, I choose to speak about migrations.
Why do immigrants choose to leave their countries and what difficulties do they face ?
First, we will talk about the reasons of immigtations, next, we will answers at the fact that the Mexicans immigrants encounter many difficulties to go to the USA.
Today, there are about 250 millions of migrants in the world, but, what people migrate ? First waves of immigrations are usually owed to the misery, wars or politicals persicutions. This is push factors that influence the most of departure. Push factors can be definied as a fact to prevent people to live well. Among that push factors, there are also natural disaster, climate, healthcare and education system. Consequently, people who lives one are several of those situations looking for a good job, freedom of speech, looking for peace or a economic opportunity. This are pull factors, so fact that influence the choice between countries of finish. For example, there are a lot of Mexicans to leave Mexico to join the USA because the economic context and the big poverty.
Many Mexicans immigrate illegaly to the USA. Indeed, they can’t leave differently Mexico, so they sneak accross the border between the countries without paper and authorization. Moreover, this illegality will cause a lot of difficulties and problems. We went take to example a newspaper’s article in 1985. This article tell the Manuela and Guzman’s story who have decided to migrate illegaly to the US. They and other Mexicans immigrants had gathered by smugglers and about to crossed the border but, that the immigrants didn’t know, is these smugglers only had one thing in mind, take advantage of their situation. The smugglers had taken all the money left over from the migrants to get them into a miserable truck. They simmulated an engine breakdown to leave, leaving behind them in the middle of the desert the Mexicans delivered to themselves. Sadly, the immigrants will finish to die in the desert.
To conclude, these immigrants dream of a better life. They were probably attracted to the American dream or something else but one thing is for sure, they had a situation in Mexico that was becoming so unsustainable and unbearable that they were ready to take all those risks beacauset hey were sure not to find worse than the situation in which they were. We can therefore wonder if we should not open our doors to these people in difficulty rather than ban them to let people benefit from their situations.