Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires
4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 526 - 550 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Fracking in the US: Standpoints, balance of trade and contribution to the country’s GDP
Table of contents 1. What is fracking? 2 2. Points of view about hydraulic fracturing 3 2.1 Supporters of hydraulic fracturing 3 2.2 Detractors of hydraulic fracturing 4 3. Production of natural gas and balance of trade 6 4. COntribution to the country’s GDP 8 5. Conclusions 9 6. REferences 11 1. What is fracking? Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a technique to extract fossil fuels, being them shale oil and shale gas,
2 765 Mots / 12 Pages -
Idea of progress : In what way has the family changed to fit the society?
We are going to deal with the notion of “idea of progress”. We can define the word “progress” as an element that improves people’s quality of life. Families have evolved over time and also according to the society the families belong to. I am going to answer the question: In what way has the family changed to fit the society? To answer this key question I am going to see the evolution of the family
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The notion of progress : to what extent should we fear progress, or whether should we be reassured by technological advances?
The notion of progress To begin with, I would like to give a personal definition of progress: it’s an evolution, a change towards betterment. It can either be social, technical, or scientific, and contributes towards making the world a better place. These sequences are often the subject of concern as to it possible consequences. In relation with the notion, the subject of my presentation will be “technological advances from fiction from reality”. To what extent:
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The idea of progress : to what extent the cinema is related to progress ?
SYNTHESE Going to the cinema is my hobby and I have always found it interested how it changed since the beginning. The notion I am going to deal with is "The Idea Of Progress". To start with I would like to define the notion. Progress is a change, an evolution for a better life. There is a lot of forms of progress but I'd like to focus on the cinema. We may wonder to what
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Study the three documents in connection with the Idea of Progress. Think of a question related to the notion and answer it using the three documents but also the other material you have studied. Write an essay (700 words maximum).
Since the industrial revolution, many technologies have appeared in our lives. Phones, computers, GPS, tablets and televisions are developing over time. We are going to ask ourselves what are the positive and negative points of the progress made over the years. Progress has literally changed our lives in many different areas. A great evolution has happened, especially to the Apple brand created by Steve Jobs in 1973 where he reinvented an innovative marketing approach focused
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Idea of progress : what is the a limit when it comes to progress ?
Idea of progress The notion I’m going to speak about is Idea of progress: Firts of all, considered as the main tool of orientation in the complexity of the world, the concept of progress has accompanied the great moments of history. It crosses and jostles legacies and traditions, resulting in a wide variety of evolutionary processes as well as resistance to change. Relayed by a development of advanced technologies, an acceleration of scientific and technical
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To what extent does the idea of family has changed?
Throughout time, the concept of what a family is and should look like have changed a lot. Family can mean more than just being related by blood or by the law, as it can also mean people that you are really close with or you feel safe around. Since the 1980’s the number of nuclear families are dropping while the single-parent ones are increasing. The idea of family nowadays presents a wider range of family,
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The idea of progress : how these various advances have been able to advance our society and change lives ?
NOTION THE IDEA OF PROGRESS We are going to deal with the notion « idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage. It is thus the idea that the world can become a better . Progress is defined as any kind of improvement. There are different types of progress such as social progress or technological or political progress
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Idea of progress : to what extent is the 1960s a decade representative of progress ?
The swinging sixties To what extent is the 1960s a decade representative of progress ? Idea of Progress 230419LVA1 It’s a magazine front cover of an american weekly magazine. It represents England in 1966. There is : - big ben -bingo - red double-decker - union jack - the crown - rolls royce - Aston Martin - tea - conservative England - casino - round glasses - disco - colored and short clothes - people
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Idea of progress : the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their emancipation ?
IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction : I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. We can define the notion of progress as an improvement or a development technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate my notion, I’m going to speak about the place of women in the society. We will think about the women condition from 1900’s to day and how they could sometime influence their
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Stagecraft — the handling of stage space, lighting, music, and other stage elements — is an important way for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings. Examine how two playwrights in your OIB program use stagecraft in this way.
English Literature Essay - Stagecraft Stagecraft — the handling of stage space, lighting, music, and other stage elements — is an important way for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings. Examine how two playwrights in your OIB program use stagecraft in this way. Robert Edmond Jones said “A stage setting is not a background ; it is an environment”. Stagecraft is a very significant tool for playwrights to convey ideas and feelings for the
2 941 Mots / 12 Pages -
How to clothe oneself and allow the education of one's children when one is in need?
It is undeniable that the world is getting richer over time, that is a fact. Man is now able to become richer, and then to enjoy his wealth, in pleasant and luxurious comfort. It is undeniable, the quality, the standard of living of the rich is increasing and improving. This is called progress. I am not against progress, on the contrary, progress is a promise towards a better future. But neither can it be denied,
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Has the option of online studies decreased the value of face-to-face learning?
Has the option of online studies decreased the value of face-to-face learning? 2020, the weirdest year my generation has lived. The COVID 19, repeated lockdowns and distance learning schools have marked our daily life for more than a year. Online school is an option student can choose if they can’t go to face-to-face schools. The online school option has become more and more used because of COVID and the conveniency it brought. However, what are
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Was this the right answer to the problems of terrorism?
The September 11 attacks committed by the terrorist organization Al Qaeda deeply traumatized the American population. The country believed itself to be invulnerable and safe from any attack. The collapse of the twin towers was an electric shock. After the attacks, foreign policy becomes the number one priority of the American government. To deal with terrorism, the United States will provide a global and military response. Was this the right answer to the problems of
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Assess the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the Cold War to an end
introduction Mikhail Gorbachev : last Soviet Leader, elected in 1985 & resigned → 25th of December 1991⇒ fall of the USSR implemented social & eco. reforms goal: improve relations between 2 superpowers → belief that without change USSR would collapse ‘New thinking’ = major changes (internally & internationally) What was the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the Cold War to an end ? Revolutionary goals ✧ demilitarize Soviet foreign policy to fix broken eco
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Compréhension orale to podcast “the future of workplace”
After have listened to podcast “the future of workplace”, I will present the report. L’audio is an episode of Work Life Podcast, presented for Derek O’Neil, business strategist and entrepreneur. He focusing on the ideal workplace of the future, revolutionary virtual workspace that brings together real work and cyberspace. For the author, the virtual work is the solution por the future. He believes that this would allow for diverse teams around the world to improve
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To what extent can female villains help change the perception of women in society?
To what extent can female villains help change the perception of women in society? Introduction: Start with the traditional perception of women: Clichés: a woman’s place is in the kitchen or with the children They have to act dumb and innocent: they have to dress like sweet little things (in pink!) and put make-up on. A woman who cannot have children has no purpose in life A woman is nothing without a man: damsels need
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Assess the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the cold War to an end
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How to understand and prevent the process of jihadist radicalisation in today’s Europe ?
HOW TO UNDERSTAND AND PREVENT THE PROCESS OF JIHADIST RADICALISATION IN TODAY’S EUROPE ? Essay Economic Political Science Written by Romane Comte 2018 ________________ Table of contents Introduction I. A suitable and efficient process, difficult to understand A) The causes of radicalisation B) The Radicalisation Process : how to understand it in order to prevent it II. How to set up efficient measures in Europe A) Inspiring and promising European models B) European measures are
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An introduction to the US Constitution / The Bill of Rights - 1st Amendment freedoms I - An introduction to the US Constitution / The Bill of Rights - 1st Amendment freedoms II - Other free speech cases - draft card burning - black armbands in schools - national anthem in football matches - burning crosses - nazi paramilitary parades (SKoKie case) III - How to brief a case IV - 2nd Amendment / Right to keep + bear arms - DC v. Heller 2008 V - Due process
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Erard Winstanley, The True levellers Standard Advanced or the State of Community Opened and presented to the Sons of Men (1649)
Gerard Winstanley, The True levellers Standard Advanced or the State of Community Opened and presented to the Sons of Men (1649) Introduction Context : what was happening in 1649 ? The text was published in the midst of the English Revolution (1642-60), a period of great transformations, political and religious. The period was marked by the end of the civil wars (1642-49) opposing King’s troops and Parliamentary Army led by Oliver Cromwell (royal prerogative v
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USA Neutrality Before The Attack Of Pear Harbor
For more than a hundred years, from 1815 to 1917, the United States had kept itself out of European wars and after the First World War, the feeling of this traditional policy revived through the country. However, isolation failed again when the country entered the Second World War in December 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The neutrality of the United States until this attack was a controversy and this essay will discuss its
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The Fire Of Carlton Hall Dormitory, Maybe A Criminal Act
February the 18th, a fire destroys University dormitory on the campus of Southern Missouri. More than Hundred students were killed and injured. A few days after, this incident, a police investigation is in progress, but it is known that has been said that this incident is maybe a criminal act. Before this accident, the redaction received many anonymous messages. These mails have been sent to the redaction to condemn building of the madhouse, the Campus
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"in To The Wild" (Dans la nature) Résumer En Anglais.
END OF THE TRAIL Lured by idealism or demons unknown, hiker Christopher McCandless found a lonely death in Alaska. by Jean Deneufbourg Christopher McCandless was born in 1968 in the state of Washington, where he still lived during his Childhood. Chris McCandless was an intelligent, extremely intense young man with a streak of stubborn idealism. He grew up in a wealthy suburb of Washington D.C, where he succeeded both academically and athletically. He graduated from
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The danger of robots
To begin with a robot is a mechatronical device doing tasks which are dangerous, repetitive or impossible for humans. Robots are a complex assembly of mechanical and electronical parts. We’re going to present you domestic robots. A domestic robot is a robot used to do household chores. The first domestic robot to be sold was “Aibo” and it was built by Sony in 1999. Today the most sold robot is a vacuum robot, the “Roomba”
356 Mots / 2 Pages