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Space and echanges notion anglais
I’m going to deal with the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of the notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in return for something else and also with the places (or « spaces ») where these exchanges take place. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: people, trade or media. The concept «Spaces and Exchanges» illustrates the theme
800 Mots / 4 Pages -
4 notions du bac anglais
I’m going to present you the notion of myth and heroes. There are two types of heroes, the real heroe like Chesley Sullenberger or fictive heroe like the superheroes for exemple. A myth is a popular story about gods or heroes. But what’s really a hero for us ? We studied a video in class that talked about the word hero and his bad utilisation for many people who don’t deserve it like Michael phells
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Notion idea of progress
Idea of progress : introduction : I am going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. First of all , let me introduce the definition of idea of progress ,the progress can be a movement forward , a scientific or technical (technologie) advance to make the world a better place and to improve the humain condition, it can be also involves danger and ethical questions. I’ve chosen to illustrate this notion trough the
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Places and forms of Power notion terminale S oral de bac
Introduction : The notion I am going to deal with is about « Places and forms of power ». First, I’d like to introduce and give a definition of the notion. We can consider that the power is the ability or the official capacity to exercise control, authority or influences over others. It can be exerted in different spheres : economy, politics and different forms : democracy, dictatorship, and in different places, country all around
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Les plans des différentes notions en anglais
1) SPACES AND EXCHANGES : notion number 1 : The notion I am going to speak about is Spaces and exchanges. First of all I am going to define this notion : - An exchange is an act of giving and receiving For example, you can exchange : ideas, goods and services and also people such as immigration So in relation to the notion Spaces and Exchanges, my presentation will deal with this question :
353 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais- Notion Idée de Progrès : La silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is characterized by specific ingredients: brilliant scientists, high-risk businesses, rapid success or failure, job mobility, and informal behavior. I)Silicon Valley is useful to cure people Nowadays, Silicon Valley is useful to cure people. Indeed, big tech companies like Goggle have developed nanoparticles which could detect diseases faster as today. To achieve this, the American company want to put these nanoparticles in the blood. With these nanoparticles, we will soon be able to find
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Notion anglais espace et échanges
Spaces and exchanges Hello, I am going to present you the notion of space and exchange, at first we go to see the various forms of exchanges, secondly we shall see by which ways we can exchange, then we shall see what internet allows to exchange. Finally we shall see in what internet favorites the exchange. This year, we have studied this notion of spaces and exchanges in class, and we talk about The Internet.
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Notion of progress : should we be afraid of progress? And does the internet bring people closer or does it alienate us?
will talk about the notion of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social progress that contributes to making the world a better place. Today, we can not imagine without technological advances such as cars, microwaves, cell phones, computers and televisions. Especially in the field of computing, the Internet has revolutionized our means of communication. However, what effect do these "advances" have
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Notion anglais: Are machines man successor ?
Notion anglais : L’idée du progrès. Hi, I'm going to talk to you today about my study of documents. The documents study deals with the notion idea and progress. First, i'd like to state the définition of progress : The idea of progress consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of science, technology, liberty and quality of life. I'm going to speak about genetic progress with 3 exemple. We are going
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Notion anglais TES "Places and forms of power"
PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER I am going talk about « Places and forms of power ». First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : The power is the ability to control others, events or resources. The ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This year in class we studied several documents about this notion, and specially about discrimation of women in a male world. In
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Notion lugares y formas de poder
Buenas dias. Me ha tocado presentar la noción de Lugares y formas de poder… El poder puede ejercerse a diferentes niveles como sociales, económicos o políticos. Podemos utilizar un poder de varias maneras, democrática o dictatorial, equitativa o injusta y pacifica o conflictiva. Hay veces que un poder puede incitar a un conflicto, una guerra o una crisis. Para garantizar la paz y la libertad, se instaura un contra poder cuyo el objetivó es de
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Est-ce que on peut dire que la notion du réalisme est différente à chaque époque?
AMOUGOU FRANCK 16707280 PLAN DE DISSERTATION Est-ce que on peut dire que la notion du réalisme est différente à chaque époque INTRODUCTION : Le réalisme est un mouvement artistique et littéraire apparue vers le 19 e siècle, ce mouvement est née pour réagir contre le sentimentalisme romantique qui a cette époque représentait un mouvement phare du 19 e siècle. Le réalisme avant d’être utilisés par certains artistes français était à l’ origine apparu à Londres.
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Notion space and exchanges
SYNTHESE ESPACES ET ECHANGES I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, a space can be defined as the distance to a country. An exchange can appear on many forms like culture,money or migration,here the immigration of latinos. Immigration is linked to this notion with the legal and illegal migration fron a country to another,to work for money in return. First, we will answer,Who are they, Then we will work
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Notion de Spleen
Le spleen, [(anglais spleen, du latin splen, rate, parce que les Anciens croyaient que l'humeur noire était produite par la rate)] c'est un état affectif, plus ou moins durable, de mélancolie (dépression mais mélancolie c'est mieux sur la copie) sans cause apparente et pouvant aller de l'ennui, la tristesse vague au dégoût de l'existence. Le Spleen peut être abominable, atroce, indicible, intolérable, maladif, profond... suivant les auteurs. Les Spleens les plus connus sont baudelairien, et
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Notion : Progress
Everyday Heroes – Harriet Tubman Hello, today I’m going to tell you about Harriet Tubman, an Everyday hero. Harriet Tubman is perhaps the most well-known conductor of the Underground Railroad (UGRR). For about ten years she made 19 trips to the South and helped over 300 slaves running away to the free states or to Canada. And, as she proudly pointed out once to Frederick Douglass, during all her travels she "Never lost a single
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Notions essentielles EAF
Notions essentielles EAF Humanisme : - philosophie qui met l'homme et les valeurs au dessus de tout. Mouvement intellectuel de la rennaissance née en Italie au 14ème siècle et s'étend en France au XVIème siècle. Il touche l'art, les sciences, les textes. Caractéristiques de l'humanisme : - retours aux textes antiques considèrés comme modèles -Homme au centre du monde -L'humaniste considère l'homme comme digne de respect et défend l'intégralité humaine contre les fanatiques et reconnaît
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Notion anglais Myths and heroes
Myths and heroes A hero, according to Cambridge dictionary is a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great. To put in other words, a hero is a person who is admired for his achievements and qualities. But what does it takes to be a hero? 1. Heroes of our societies 1. Everyday heroes, firefighters * Not afraid to put their own life at risk for the good
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Notion mythes and heroes
Myths and Heroes Introduction i am going to talk about the notion « Myths and Heroes ». First of all, I would like to give a definition of it. A myth can be defined as a story about gods and heroes. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievement. How were once the heroes and how are today's heroes.To start I will present « how are
1 066 Mots / 5 Pages -
Oral Anglais Bac LV1, Notion : Lieu et forme du pouvoir, Idée de progrès, Espace et Echanges
Lieu et Forme du pouvoir. i am going to talk about the place and forms of power and their impact. In the first place i would like give a definition of the notion "places", it could be a important buildings or institutions that represents a important form of power, for example Buckingham palace, a symbol of the British monarchy or the white house a symbol of the American presidency. The word "power" is the capacity
1 558 Mots / 7 Pages -
Notion Places And Forms of Power : Up to which point does power start to become a bad matter?
PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER This year we studied the notion “Places and Forms of Power”. Firstly, let’s define what power is. Power is a form of influence or authority that one has over another. It’s often linked to strength or other capacities that make someone better than someone else. Power can come under various forms and is very often assigned to a place, such as Washington DC, New York and many others. Up to
567 Mots / 3 Pages -
Notion de marche
biens et services que le consommateur est libre de consommer .Les entreprises prennent des risques en vue de réaliser des bénéfices qui permettront à l’entreprise de se développer et d’investir. De ce fait les entreprises évoluent dans le cadre de la concurrence qui bénéficie aux consommateurs qui profite des baisse de prix .Si les clients achète les produits ,l’entreprise fait des bénéfices et attire des actionnaires qui lui font confiance pour lui acheter une part
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Les notions au bac : introduction
Introduction : Notions oral de bac anglais 1- Spaces & Exchanges The notion I'm going to speak about is Spaces & Exchanges. First of all I'm going to define this notion. An exchange is an act of giving and receiving. You can exhange and give ideas, or good and services or you could also exchange people , for example : immigration. So in relation to the notion spaces and exchanges my presentation will deal with
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Notion littérature anglaise la rencontre avec l'autre, l'amour,l'amitié
what brings an odd couple together ? We all know many books in which the main characters shares the same dream in spite of their different personality and storylife. These unlikely friendships and romance usualy makes the most beautiful stories because in spite of their differences the characters shares mutual respect and trust. So we may wonder how did this odd couple where bring together ? I will now give you three exemples of novels
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Notion Places and forms of power: Can we ever escape from society and what are the dangers if we do?
PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER Can we ever escape from society and what are the dangers if we do? Today, I will present you the notion of PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER, first of all, I would like to give you a quick definition of it. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behaviour of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This
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Notion d’anglais : « Myths and Heroes »
Notion d’anglais : « Myths and Heroes » First of all, I’m going to talk about the notion « Myths and Heroes ». I will define the term myth and the term hero. A myth it is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or a nation or a story explaining some natural or sociological phenonmenon. A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for his exceptional qualities : strenght,
491 Mots / 2 Pages